Homemade chestnut cream with rapadura

crème de marron maison

Pour faire écho à la recette du bundt cake à la châtaigne et au chocolat, je vous livre aujourd’hui ma recette de la crème de marron maison avec laquelle j’avais fais ce délicieux gâteau et tant d’autres comme les madeleines au cœur de crème de marron.

Cet automne avec Monsieur, nous avions profité de nos montagne pour aller cueillir des châtaignes. Et comme nous en avions pas mal ramassé, je me suis dis que j’allais me lancer dans de la crème de marron maison. The temptation was great not to devour all the cooked chestnuts but I managed ! The use of rapadura in this recipe gives a more pronounced taste to the chestnut cream, I loved this little amber taste, Yum !

crème de marron maison

crème de marron maison

I'm not going to lie to you, fresh chestnuts take a long time to prepare, but in the end it’s so good that you quickly forget the hassle of peeling !

Homemade chestnut cream

Ingredients (pour 2 pots)

  • 300 g fresh chestnuts
  • 200 g of rapadura (whole cane sugar)
  • 20 key of water
  • 1 vanilla pod


Preheat the oven to 200°.

Remove the first skin from the chestnuts using a knife then place them on a baking tray.

Bake the chestnuts 10 minutes then rub them in a cloth to remove the tan (the little downy skin).

Heat some water in a saucepan and cook the chestnuts in it for 20 minutes. Drain them then pass them through a puree mill, then book.

Heat the water and sugar in a saucepan, add the vanilla pod split in two and scraped as well as the chestnut puree. Let it cook 20 minutes on low heat.

crème de marron maison

Put in jars and keep cool, or eat it directly…

Enjoy !


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  • Hmmm ! And more, I love chestnut cream !
    Very good year 2013 🙂

  • Thank you for your revelation. The temptation was great but you did very well to resist ! You are lucky to have mountains that offer chestnuts <3 J'adore la nature. Enjoy the good times, see you soon xX

  • If I dip my spoon in this pot, It's certain, I finish it 😉 !

  • Thumb's blog

    So this is really hard ! Because it's my guilty pleasure !!!

  • cookparadise

    Best wishes 2013.
    A promising start to the year
    Beautiful evening

  • poupougnette

    I love chestnut cream, but by my house, I couldn't pick up many (bad year!!).
    I can come for dessert?! 😉
    Good evening girls. Kisses

  • Amelie

    Good homemade idea ! The photos are always so beautiful …
    Very very happy new year ! :))

  • Lili

    Mmmmm, I dip my spoon in it with pleasure and greed… Thank you for this treat ! Big kisses xxx

  • argon

    it must be very strong in taste and probably has nothing to do with these commercial chestnut creams or pastes …. like it's worth it !

  • Huuum I would take a spoonful !

  • I adore ! Oh yes the little amber taste must be to die for… Congratulations on not eating all your cooked chestnuts… I have a hard time holding back myself too 😉 Scented kisses (with chestnut) 😉

  • Natalie

    How brave !
    A year, just like you, Here we go with Monsieur to the Alsatian forest with our basket to bring back kilos of chestnuts… and kilos of work ! For indeed, what work this preparation… I haven't started again since !