Crêpes vegan

Après le caramel salé, les crêpes c’est quand même le b.a ba pour la Chandeleur. Cette année j’ai eu envie de vous livrer ma recette de crêpes vegan inratables, des crêpes fines comme on aime ! Ici les crêpes ça n’est pas seulement à la Chandeleur mais bon il fallait bien marquer le coup par ici ! Le secret des crêpes vegan réussies c’est de laisser la pâte reposer afin qu’elle commence à fermenter et que le gluten s’active et se transforme. Il faut aussi une poêle qui n’accroche pas, ici j’utilise une crêpière en fer, It's up to you to see what suits you, in any case remember that the first pancake is often a failure because the pan is not hot enough !
A simple and delicious recipe,
adding margarine to the dough adds that little extra ! And to accompany this vegan pancake recipe, you can opt for the salted caramel, the spread or again caramelized apples or a pistachio-matcha spread. In short, you have plenty of choice to enjoy and have a good Candlemas !

Crêpes vegan
- 200 g of flour T65
- 80 g cornstarch
- 80 g of melted margarine
- 2 tablespoons of sugar
- 1 pinch of vanilla powder
- 1 pinch of salt
- 90 cl of soy milk
- Put the flour, sugar, salt, vanilla and starch in a salad bowl, mix and make a well.
- Add the melted margarine to the center then gradually dilute with the milk..
- Let the dough rest for at least 6 hours at room temperature for fermentation..
- Heat a non-stick pan well, grease it lightly then make your pancakes.
- Store under film if you don't eat it all !