Green pancakes with spinach {without milk}

recette crêpe verte

C’est bientôt la Chandeleur, l’occasion parfaite pour préparer des bonnes crêpes ! Bon, j’avoue chez nous on attend pas la Chandeleur, les crêpes c’est toute l’année, que ce soit crêpes salées ou crêpes sucrées ! Cette année, on fait des crêpes colorées, à la dois parce que c’est un bon remède contre la grisaille ambiante mais aussi parce que c’est fun ! Bon on va pas se le cacher, as les gaufres vertes, ces crêpes aux épinards sont un bon moyen de faire manger des épinards aux enfants ! Pour la garniture on peut soit faire une garniture chaude en mode buckwheat pancake, either a cold garnish based on raw vegetables, hummus… in short have fun !

This winter we put color on our plate,

because color makes you want to eat and it also brings lots of vitamins. And you will see, it's a very simple recipe, no need to cook the spinach first, we keep it all raw, we mix and hop towards the pancake pan. Small bonus point, you don't even taste the spinach, we can therefore also finish these pancakes in a sweet version with a little spread or sugar ! And if you are looking for ideas to accompany your sweet pancakes that change a little it's this way !

green crepe recipe
salted crepes

Green pancakes with spinach {without milk}


Green pancakes
  • 300 g fresh spinach
  • 240 g of flour T65
  • 60 grams of starch corn
  • 65 g neutral vegetable oil
  • 110 g plain vegetable yogurt
  • 80 cl of milk (here soy)
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Mix the spinach together, Milk, yogurt, eggs and oil, until smooth.
  • In a salad bowl, mix the starch, flour and salt and make a well.
  • Add the liquid spinach mixture on top and mix.
  • Let the dough rest 1 h minimum.
  • Thin the dough with a little water if necessary.
  • Cook in a hot pancake pan.
  • Garnish with the garnish of your choice (houmous, germinated seeds, attorney, radish, egg…
Candlemas crepe idea
spinach green pancake

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  • Nanou


    You n’ failed to cook pancakes. Too thick and not possible to return them.
    A trick ?


    • Emilie

      if the dough is too thick, do not hesitate to lengthen it with a little water because the thicker they are, the less they cook and the more complicated they are to turn.