Spinach waffles {without milk}

recette de gaufres salées

Bon clairement l’épinard c’est le légume le plus controversé à la maison, il y a ceux qui l’adore et ceux qui le déteste ! Alors exit les épinards à la crème, on mise plutôt sur des recettes où la couleur est présente mais pas le goût ! C’est le cas de ces gaufres aux épinards bien vertes dont j’ai mis un petit moment avant de trouver la recette parfaite ! Le petit secret est de ne pas cuire les épinards mais de les ajouter crus à la pâte, ce qui donne cette jolie couleur verte et ce goût plutôt neutre.

As a result, They are perfect both savory and sweet.,

so at home we make the quantity that I gave you to be able to keep some for snack or breakfast ! As for savory toppings, it's up to you., here we like to accompany them hummus, avocado and lemon yogurt sauce with a few green onions (and I swear it's a treat). You accompany it with a good salad of raw vegetables and here you are with a complete dish that pleases everyone ! And when it comes to sweet, anything goes, but the banana/chocolate combo (or spread) remains my favorite !!!

spinach waffle
spinach kids
savory recipe waffles

Spinach waffles {without milk}


  • 400 g of flour T65
  • 250 g fresh spinach
  • 4 eggs
  • 10 cl vegetable milk (here oats)
  • 10 cl of neutral vegetable oil
  • 1 baking powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Pour the flour into a bowl and add the salt and yeast then stir and make a well.
  • In a blender, mix together the washed and coarsely chopped raw spinach, eggs, milk and oil until smooth.
  • Mix this preparation gradually with the flour and mix well so as not to form lumps.
  • Let the dough rest for a minimum 1 overcast hour.
  • Bake your waffles as usual, environ 3 To 4 minutes
easy waffle recipe
Green waffles

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