Spinach amaranth croquette {vegan – sans gluten}

Croquette d'amarante

Me revoilà par ici pour vous donner deux idées de bouchées festives pour le réveillon du nouvel an, car mine de rien ça approche vite, mais avant tout j’espère d’abord que vous avez passé un heureux Noël en compagnie de ceux qui vous sont chers. Je sais pas vous mais pour les fêtes on adore ce mettre en mode « apéritif dinatoire », alors oui ça demande un peu plus de préparation à l’avance mais au moins le jour J on est tranquille et on peut profiter sans passer notre temps en cuisine ! SO, pour accompagner cacahuètes, crisps and olives (yes because admit it we rarely do without this trio) I offer you this recipe for amaranth croquette stuffed with spinach and pine nuts. Croquettes that throw and that are both vegan and gluten free, something to satisfy everyone ! It was the first time we tested amaranth at home and I was really surprised by its nutty taste., it's really really good. Here everyone loved this recipe which was originally an everyday recipe but which has become a perfect festive recipe !

I'll prepare another appetizer bite idea very soon, stick around !

Croquette d'amarante recette

Croquette d'amarante

Croquette d'amarante aux épinards {vegan - sans gluten}
For twenty
To print
  1. 250 g d'amarante
  2. 250 g cooked potatoes
  3. 2 cloves of garlic
  4. 100 g corn flour
  5. grated nutmeg
  6. 1 pinch of Espelette pepper
  7. 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  8. You sell
  9. frying oil
  11. 200 g fresh spinach
  12. 40 g pine nuts
  13. 1 teaspoon of pink berries
  14. You sell
  1. Prepare the stuffing for the croquettes, for this, put the coarsely chopped spinach in a pan with a drizzle of olive oil, Cook 3 minutes over high heat then remove from heat. Then add the sprockets, pink berries and salt.
  2. Cook the amaranth as indicated on the package then drain. Mix the amaranth with the mashed potato, flour, minced garlic, olive oil, the Nutmeg, Espelette pepper and salt. Book cool 30 minutes.
  3. Take a ball of dough then flatten it in the palm of your hand then put a teaspoon of stuffing in the center and close the croquette. Do this until the dough is used up..
  4. Warm it up 80 cl of oil for frying then fry the croquettes 4-5 minutes.
  5. Serve hot.
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/

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  • LadyMilonguera

    These croquettes are not to displease me…

  • Rosenoisettes

    These croquettes are superb and make you hungry 🙂
    Happy New Year ~

    • Emilie

      Thank you my beautiful 🙂 Happy New Year to you !

  • Amelie

    hmm this makes me hungry <3
    I'll test it and get back to you 🙂

  • Angie

    Hi I love this recipe. Could you give me more details about the amaranth. These are seeds, that's it ? You can find it where ? Thanks in advance 🙂

    • Emilie

      Amaranth is a cereal, she is in the rice section, cereals from organic stores 😉

      • Angie

        Thank you very much I will try this !

  • Loup


    Is it possible to cook these croquettes in the oven?? I am a student, so if I can avoid the frying smell in all the studio, that would be cool 🙂
    Because this recipe makes you want!!

    • Emilie

      Try it with a good drizzle of olive oil on top !

  • Sylvia

    What can I substitute for corn flour? ? white flour ? Cornstarch ?

    • Emilie

      By wheat flour it works !

      • Julie

        Good evening Emily! I'm making your croquettes;) But I have a question ! You deep fry yours, or in a pan….? Thank you for your answer !!

        • Emilie

          Hello Julie, personally I do my frying in a wok 😉