Tomato crumble {vegan – sans gluten}

Tomato crumble

Je vous avais prévenu, je ne suis pas encore passée en mode automne, même si j’avoue avoir déjà dégusté une courge spaghetti la semaine dernière, mais les tomates sont parmi mes légumes préférés, alors tant qu’il y en a dans le jardin ou sur les étals, je reste en été ! Bon là ça tombe bien, le jardin de mon Papa qui se trouve en montagne, regorge encore de tomates, alors bon je n’allais pas me faire prier pour les prendre et en faire un délicieux crumble de tomates !

Personnellement la tomate je l’aime autant toute simple,

to eat or in carpaccio with fleur de sel and the best olive oil, but I admit that I like to cook it as well as with stuffed tomatoes or in rustic pie For example. Today the tomato is transformed (oui, yes it is a magic tomato !) in a vegan and gluten-free tomato crumble, always of course, with good field tomatoes, so if you are lucky enough to have a garden or a producer not too far or in a market, go for it ! This small tomato crumble is eaten warm, either as a starter or as a main course accompanied by a seasonal green salad, no need more.

Vegan tomato crumble
Tomato crumble recipe

Tomato crumble {vegan – sans gluten}


  • 6-8 tomatoes (different varieties if possible)
  • 1 filet d’huile d’olive
  • Oregano
  • 1 cane sugar
  • 50 g rice flour
  • 65 g of quinoa farine
  • 90 g vegetable margarine
  • You thyme
  • Salt and pepper
  • Cut the tomatoes into coarse cubes and arrange them in a baking dish.
  • Preheat the oven to 200°.
  • Pour a drizzle of olive oil over the tomatoes then add the sugar, salt and add the oregano.
  • For the crumble, sand all the ingredients together with your fingertips and spread the mixture over the tomatoes.
  • Bake 30 minutes.

Gluten-free tomato crumble}

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  • LadyMilonguera

    Really very nice this tomato crumble…

  • celine

    great recipe! I can't wait to try to do it for my partner… Thank you so much

  • hears

    We just want to dip the fork in it. The picture is beautiful.