fattouche, Lebanese salad with grilled bread and vegetables


Le soleil est de retour par chez nous et il me tenait à coeur de vous présenter une recette de salade que j’adore, la fattouche. La fattouche ou fattouch est une salade d’origine libanaise avec du pain grillé, un peu comme la panzanella pour la version italienne.

Les ingrédients de la salade fattouche peuvent varier mais on y trouve généralement des tomates, cucumber, some salad, de l’oignon, parsley, du sumac, de l’huile d’olive et du pain grillé. Je vous présente ici une recette de fattouche à ma façon mais libre à vous de modifier la recette selon vos envies !

This is the opportunity or never to take advantage of the last cucumbers and the last tomatoes and bunches of radishes before autumn sets in. !

fattouche, Lebanese salad with grilled bread and vegetables

Ingredients (pour 4)

  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • A dozen radishes
  • 2 spring onions
  • 1/2 bouquet of parsley
  • 1/2 bunch of mint
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 1/2 baguette detailed in cubes (or 2 Arabic bread pancakes)
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 filet d’huile d’olive
  • 1 c. to s. of sumac
  • Salt and pepper


Preheat the oven to 180°.

Mix a good drizzle of olive oil and a clove of crushed garlic in a salad bowl then add the bread croutons, mix well to coat the pieces well.

Place the croutons on a baking tray and cook until approximately browned. 6-7 minutes. Book.

Wash and cut the cucumber into half slices. Cut the radishes into slices and the tomatoes into cubes.

Chop the onions, keeping the green part. Wash and finely chop the parsley and fresh mint.

Mix together all the vegetables and herbs.


Emulsify together the lemon juice with a good drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper and pour this sauce over the salad. Sprinkle everything with sumac and add the bread just before serving so that it does not get soggy.

good salad.


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  • cookparadise

    A pretty salad that makes the summer last , I adore
    Beautiful day

  • Lili

    This salad is superb, like everything here, very vegetarian trend I find. 🙂 Lol. I love this blog. Kisses kisses xx

    • Emilie

      Merci. Sometimes you have to be trendy… We could say vegan, even, non !? 😉

  • Lolotte

    I'm a big fan of salad! I eat it every night (I have to compensate for all the cakes I eat) I didn't know about this one and I really want to try.

    • Emilie

      glad you like it Lolotte, it’s true, I too try to compensate for the cakes !!!

  • I didn't know this salad (nor sumac for that matter…) I will try ! (especially with Arabic bread)

  • clemency

    Still a little summer on the plate : it feels good !

  • CrispX

    Another very pretty salad to prolong the summer ^^ Kisses

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much CrispX, we need it !!!

  • I often eat this salad when I go to a Lebanese restaurant., I would like to do the same at home but I can't find any sumac near me. Is there a site where you can order this kind of spices??