Sourdough focaccia

recette de focaccia au levain

1 an que je n’avais pas fais de focaccia, et je peux vous dire que pour un focaccia lover comme Monsieur, 1 an c’est quand même long ! More, il a vite été récompensé avec cette recette de focaccia au levain, qui je dois dire a comblée toutes nos attentes. Une focaccia épaisse et moelleuse à souhait qui sera parfaite pour les longues soirées en ce mois d’août, mais ça marche aussi aux autres saisons !

Pour moi la focaccia, c’est carrément un petit plaisir d’été,

c’est le pain des vacances, du soleil, aperitif by the sea and the small glass of rosé that goes with it (in moderation of course) ! Then, I give you the basics of the recipe but you can just as well make it your own, and decorate it with everything that comes to hand (finally everything that goes well together huh, don't mix melon and potatoes for example !). Bon, like i'm a nice girl (self-compliment that does no harm), I give you other focaccia recipe ideas, as zucchini and pesto, the one with green asparagus, the one with blueberries and rosemary and also a version with figs. A little thought for those who are not equipped with a robot : good kneading (at least tell yourself that it makes your arms !) !

Serve warm or out of the oven (it's even better), with why not a good one watermelon summer salad or a watermelon gazpacho (yes I am very "watermelon" at the moment !) ! Come on I leave you with the recipe.

leavened dough
Focaccia recipe
Natural sourdough focaccia

Sourdough focaccia


  • 600 g T80 flour
  • 200 g T45 flour
  • 300 g chilled sourdough
  • 450 To 550 grams of water
  • 85 g d’huile d’olive
  • 10 g de sel
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil
  • rosemary
  • You gros sel pig

  • Mix the flour and water together, knead at speed robot 1 or by hand 3 minutes then add the sourdough, salt and oil.
  • Knead 10 minutes at low speed then 10-15 additional minutes at medium speed to obtain an elastic dough.
  • Form a ball, place it in an oiled salad bowl, cover with a towel and let rise 4 hours by folding the dough once.
  • Transfer the dough to two small baking sheets or a large baking sheet, and spread it out as you go, being careful not to work it too much.
  • let stand 1 hour in a warm place.
  • Preheat the oven to 210°.
  • Oil the focaccia then make holes with your fingers on the surface and add a little coarse salt and rosemary on top.
  • Bake 30-40 minutes.

sourdough recipe

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  • My latest fads

    Yum, it makes me want so much ! Direct on my Pinterest in the recipes to test !

    • Emilie

      Awesome, @merciiiii 😉

      • Marie

        Bonjour, I think there is a big problem with your proportions, it seems impossible to me to have a ball of dough with so many wet ingredients …

        • Emilie


          the proportions are right, This corresponds to a humidity level of 75%.
          If you want to have a nice ball, you can lower the TH.

  • velvet red

    But she is beautiful! I must try!
    Thank you Emily!

  • I think I came back at least 3 times on this article just to admire the first photo which is really hot !

    • Emilie

      So that's a compliment, thank you miss 😉

  • Chestnut

    I like, I like, I like ^^

  • Natalie

    Hello Emily,
    What do you mean by refreshed sourdough ?
    Thank you for your answer 😉

  • Alison

    She looks incredibly fluffy, the pictures make me salivate !

    • Emilie

      Thank you Alison, it is true that it is super soft 😉

  • Clara Casillas

    I love!!!

  • Anne

    Your recipe inspires me
    Can you tell me how and how long you keep this focaccia ?
    Thanks in advance

    • Emilie

      Hello Anne, the focaccia can be kept cool for 48 hours and to reheat it you must heat the oven to 200° then turn it off and put the focaccia in the oven 10 minutes 🙂

  • Pascale

    Hello yum yum how beautiful your focaccia is. But how do you make your sourdough ? Thanks in advance. Good day.

    • Emilie

      Hello Pascale and thank you for this little word., for sourdough there are quite a few recipes on other blogs, but I'm going to put one very quickly around here 😉

  • Nancy D

    Prepared today, et … Unanimously … It's delicious, kids love it. I will do it regularly, for aperitifs it will be all the rage 😉 Thank you for this recipe .

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you very much Nancy for this great return, good aperitifs then 😉