Focaccia with figs and candied onions {vegan}

Bon je crois que vous aurez compris mon amour pour la focaccia, et particulièrement en mélange sucré-salé comme avec cette focaccia figues. C’est le genre de plat parfait qui contente tout le monde, served with a salad, des tomates cerises et quelques dips de légumes,

c’est le repas parfait des soirs de flemme !

En tous cas si vous avez un robot pour faire la pâte à votre place c’est à l’aise blaise (expression qui vous donne surement une ptite idée de mon âge !). Bref la focaccia c’est l’Italie direct dans votre assiette et en plus on en fait ce qu’on veut, proof is the thousand and one versions (no i'm just exaggerating !) that is already on the blog, as the blueberry focaccia, with asparagus, with zucchini or to mushrooms (I pass and the best !). Shame and woe to you if you have never tried homemade focaccia, it is therefore time for you to repair this error of course, and why not for tonight eh ?!

Focaccia figs recipe
Fig and onion focaccia

Focaccia with figs and candied onions {vegan}


  • 400 g brown wheat flour
  • 150 g refreshed sourdough or 1/2 fresh yeast cube
  • 225 grams of water
  • 40 g d’huile d’olive
  • 5 g de sel
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 4 onions
  • 1 cane sugar
  • 5-6 fresh figs
  • 1 small bunch of rosemary
  • Olive oil
  • You gros sel pig
  • Mix the flour and water together, knead at speed robot 1 or by hand 3 minutes then add the sourdough (or yeast), salt, the oil
  • Knead 10 minutes to obtain an elastic dough.
  • Form a ball, put it in a salad bowl, cover with a towel and let rise 2-3 hours.
  • Chop the onions and sweat them with the sugar and olive oil, over low heat, covered, for 15 minutes stirring.
  • Transfer the dough to two baking sheets and roll it out, being careful not to overwork it.
  • Poke holes with your fingers all over the surface then leave to rest 30 minutes in a warm place.
  • Preheat the oven to 210°.
  • Add the pickled onions on top, figs cut in half, rosemary and coarse salt then oil the surface.
  • Bake 30 minutes and enjoy warm
Fig focaccia recipe

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  • It's a magnificent focaccia that you offer us there…

  • vero

    I will test this recipe with the first figs from my garden. !!

  • Clementine

    Thanks Emily for sharing.… I gave in to temptation !
    On the other hand very sticky dough… I had to flour more than generously and… The temperature and/or the cooking time deserve to be reviewed with my oven…. Much too hot…. The onions have charred and it looks a bit dry.. So a little disappointed. Business to follow at the tasting !
    sweet weekend !

    • Emilie

      Hello Clementine,
      thanks for your return !
      It's completely normal for the dough to be sticky., on the other hand for the oven indeed it is not normal that it burned !
      Good day to you <3