Carrot fries with zaatar

Frites de carotte

Des frites de carotte ou comment manger des légumes de manière simple et ludique, et au passage les faire manger aux enfants les plus récalcitrants ! Non je n’ai pas encore d’enfant récalcitrant à la maison, Mini-Mademoiselle n’a que 14 mois et adore tous les légumes pour l’instant (faites que ça dure, s’il vous plait !!!). Mais ce qu’elle adore par dessus tout c’est manger comme une grande, alors les frites de carotte sont parfaites pour ça, car on peut les manger avec les doigts (non car les frites ça ne se mange jamais, mais alors grand jamais à la fourchette, bonne franquette quand tu nous tient !). I don't know if you know zaatar (well I hope so anyway, because I've been using it around here for a while), it's just a magical seasoning (not in the way of fairies, unicorns, all that, all that eh ?!) and which adapts to everything. But I find it goes particularly well with anything oven roasted !

And as a bonus, as our grandmothers and our mothers said, carrots will make us lovable and it will make our butts pink (don't thank me it's a bonus!) !!!

Carrot fries recipe

carrot fries

Carrot fries with zaatar
Pour 2
To print
  1. 400 g of carrots
  2. 1 tablespoon of zaatar
  3. 1 filet d'huile d'olive
  4. The juice of a quarter of a lemon
  5. You sell
  1. Preheat the oven to 180°.
  2. Scrub the carrots and cut them into sticks.
  3. Mix together the olive oil, lemon juice, zaatar and salt then coat the carrots with this mixture.
  4. Spread everything on a baking tray.
  5. Bake 20 min and stir halfway through cooking.
aime & mange
carrot fries recipe


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  • Muriel

    But it really makes me want these beautiful little fries …

  • velvet red

    These carrot fries are awesome! I love the idea!
    Thank you Emily!

  • Leah

    Mmmmhhh. It must be a treat !!
    A bit like the roasted vegetables you prepared for me…

    • Emilie

      Oh yes a bit the same, I see that you are also a fan of zaatar 😉
      Thanks my beauty !

  • julie rose

    Thanks for this good idea, I can't wait to test it!

  • Coralie

    Very simple but full of flavor, I really like zaatar with chickpeas and I hadn’t tried it with carrots yet., all you have to do is try !

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Coralie, what a pleasure to find you here ! You'll see it's also delicious with carrots !

  • Nolwenn

    Merci, I didn’t know what to make for dinner tonight 🙂 🙂
    In any case, I ate carrots, I'm not nicer and I don't have pink bottom... :O

    • Emilie

      Oh awesome, I love being able to help !!! Well me neither… pffff !

  • Pauline

    Uneducated that I am, I don't know what zaatar is ! I've been following your culinary adventures for a while now so I think this is the first time I've heard about it. ! In any case it looks delicious to me and yes carrots make you lovable and make beautiful pink buttocks, it was my grandmother who told me (and that I will tell my doll later !!)

    • Emilie

      Oh but no Pauline, It's me, I should have given a reminder !!! It is a Lebanese spice blend which is composed of sumac, thyme and sesame seeds. Ah these grannies, all the same !!!

  • I'm new ! I don't know Zaatar ! The idea looks very nice, I remember and I'm going to not google zaatar to see what it's all about !

    • Emilie

      Okay so I hope this googling was fruitful., otherwise I gave the answer in the comments’ !!!

  • verolafee

    I would like to be invited to your table.
    These fries really make you want. and with the fingers, Of course !

    • Emilie

      Ok Véro we are waiting for you then !!! Thank you very much 😉

  • OH! I adore! I try for sure!

    • Emilie

      Thank you miss, you tell me about it !!!

  • Vanessa


    We don't peel the carrots ? We do not cook the carrots before ?
    Thank you for your response 🙂

    • Emilie

      No need to peel them, if we choose them from sustainable agriculture, because a good part of the vitamins are found in the skin. No need to pre-cook them before because they are cut small enough.

  • Joseph

    Lebanese that I am, I thought Zaatar was simply thyme….
    Thank you for this beautiful recipe

    • Emilie

      Thank you Joseph ! So we learn something every day !!!

  • Sandrine

    Great idea and I didn't know zaatar, it’s done thanks to you!
    Beautiful day;)

    • Emilie

      But you’re welcome Sandrine, thank you 😉
      Have a nice day to you too !

  • Marie

    omg this is so exciting!! and it’s a great alternative to potatoes! I can’t wait to try this :) kisses

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Mary ! And what's more, it's quite stupid !!!

  • Monica

    I didn't know zaatar either… gosh… a huge breach in my culinary culture…But don't worry, I'm going to fix it very quickly. !! Your fries look delicious and I’m sure they are just as delicious :)

    • Emilie

      Oh yes we have to repair that but the zaatar is not resentful !!!
      Thank you Monique