Zucchini pancakes with oatmeal and cumin
Il me reste encore quelques courgettes du jardin de mes parents alors j’en profite et j’essaye de trouver des petites recettes simples et goûteuses. J’adore les courgettes car je trouve que c’est un légume très passe-partout (non non pas le passe-partout de fort boyard voyons !) que l’on peux accommoder de pleins de manières différentes et je ne m’en lasse jamais. Alors comme la saison est bientôt terminée, j’en profite encore.
Voici une recette végétarienne de galettes de courgettes que j’adore dévorer accompagné d’une bonne raïta.
Zucchini pancakes with oatmeal and cumin
Ingredients (pour 2-3 people)
- 2 courgettes
- 1 egg
- 4 c. to s. brown rice flour
- 20 g de petits flocons d’avoine
- 1 c. to s. cumin seeds
- 1 pincée de piment en poudre
- Salt and pepper
- De l’huile de noix de coco
Wash and grate the courgettes, saupoudrez d’un peu de sel et laissez reposer 10 minutes, le temps que les courgettes dégorgent.
Preheat the oven to 180°.
Essorez les courgettes entre vos mains et mettez-les dans un saladier. Ajoutez l’œuf battu, flour, les flocons d’avoine, le cumin, chilli and pepper. Mix well.
Faites chauffer un peu d’huile de noix de coco dans une poêle puis versez une cuillère de pâte dans la poêle afin de former des galettes. Let it cook 3 minutes puis retournez vos galettes. Laissez de nouveaux 3 minutes puis disposez vos galettes sur une plaque allant au four et enfournez 10 minutes.
Serve hot.
22.10.12mmm, I also love zucchini and I'm always looking for a new way to accommodate them and there, it's a great idea that I like a lot 😉 good evening
22.10.12Thank you very much Kakouech, glad you like it 🙂
Good evening to you too !
22.10.12… And so easy to make vegan : the egg is used here only to bind and can be replaced by {10grams of starch + 40ml of vegetable milk}.
Coconut oil what a good gourmet idea 😉
22.10.12Yes nice idea the starch to bind it's true !
Thank you Natalie 😀
22.10.12A very dietetic and crispy galette
Good evening
22.10.12Thank you Valerie 🙂
Good evening !
22.10.12hmm it must be very very good =)
22.10.12Hmmm! Like Kakouech, I'm a fan of zucchini so new ideas are welcome.! it looks so good! I'm testing this week!
22.10.12Cool !!! Thank you Snownems 😉
22.10.12A recipe that I remember, it's the kind of little thing that I love!
22.10.12Thank you Lotte 😉
23.10.12Hello beauty,
I love pancakes so here, You spoil me, it must be delicious !!
Good evening, kisses xx
23.10.12Thank you Lili but it's not much just a small idea !!!
Good evening !
Kisses kisses miss
23.10.12These pancakes look delicious !
Deep (@ChaudronPastel)
24.10.12Simple pancakes, but delicious, I'm sure 🙂
more inside, there is everything i like.
It's funny, because generally, les flocons d’avoine, we rather use them in sweet.
But OK.
It's just a quesiton of habit ! You are right to revisit the classics, Sometimes, this is how we make fabulous discoveries 🙂
Aix guinea fowl
24.10.12Mmm, great idea… But it's dead here, courgettes have disappeared from market stalls. Winter is coming 🙂
24.10.12Bah sniff, we still have some at the organic market but yet you're further south than us, it must be the Grenoble micro-climate !!!
28.10.12Always great ideas !!
uh ben.. I have all these ingredients in my kitchen.. The only question : can i do it ? haha
The crunchy texture makes my mouth water — Reminds me of hash browns. miiiaamm~
20.1.13Tested recently and very well, I like being able to "stuff" oatmeal into my savory preparations !
I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your blog., clearly one of those to which I am most faithful and which is full of good ideas !