Mirabelle plum upside-down cake

Gâteau renversé aux mirabelles

Ce gâteau est le premier gâteau que j’ai fait à la sortie de la maternitéune simple envie de me remettre à faire ce que j’aime, et de nous faire plaisir à Monsieur et à moi. C’est donc comme ça que je vous annonce l’arrivée de mini Mademoiselle au sein de notre famille, un joli bébé qui est venu au monde le 6 septembre dernier ! Cette petite puce occupe bien nos journées, donc désolée si je ne réponds plus toujours aux gentils commentaires que vous me laissez !

Repassons donc à la recette, une base de quatre quart (because it's easy to make and it's really good !), garnished with pretty Mirabelle plums, for a delicious cake ! So yes I know it's a four quarter, but since I don't really like sweet desserts, I lowered the dose of sugar by about 30 %, but here you really do as you feel !

Gâteau renversé aux mirabelles

Gâteau renversé aux mirabelles

You will take a part ?!

Mirabelle plum upside-down cake

Ingredients (for a springform pan)

  • 400 g mirabelle plums
  • 4 eggs
  • The weight of eggs in flour
  • The weight of eggs in sugar (30% less for me)
  • The weight of buttered eggs
  • 1 packet of yeast
  • 1 pinch of salt


Preheat the oven to 150°.

Mix the flour and baking powder together and set aside.

Separate the egg yolks from the whites then beat the yolks with the sugar until the mixture whitens. Add the previously melted butter, alternating with the flour-yeast mixture.

Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt then add them to the previous mixture.

Cut the Mirabelle plums in half, pit them and place them cut side up in the bottom of a buttered-floured or non-stick baking pan. Pour the batter on top.

Bake 50 minutes.

Gâteau renversé aux mirabelles

Take out of the oven, let rest 5 minutes and unmold.

Gâteau renversé aux mirabelles

good cake !


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  • emilie

    oh what lovely news, Congratulations to you two !!!

    I miss mirabelles this year… 😉

  • Katy's Eats

    What a beautiful upside-down cake !

  • veropapilles

    Congratulations on the little one… And very beautiful cake that I will enjoy. Biz and nice evening. Vero

  • claire-alice

    Congratulations on this lovely news., and also for your cake which m’ a l’ looks very appetizing

  • LadyMilonguera

    Oh dear… how beautiful is this cake !!!

  • Yasi

    wow this recipe is awesome, it changes pies! 🙂

  • BoopCook


  • Annie cb

    She ended up pointing the tip of her nose at this young lady 😉 and to answer your question I would take a piece of your upside-down cake which looks stunning!

  • Fakroun

    That's a good news! All my best wishes for this little doll and congratulations to the happy parents.
    Very appetizing cake,recipe to try.

  • poupougnette

    Congratulations to the whole little family!! ^^
    I see that you take the time to regain strength with your delicious cake! You are quite right!!
    Lots of kisses to you!! <3

  • Karabati

    CONGRATULATIONS on the arrival of baby,

  • Louise

    Congratulation… Whether for this beautiful cake, or for the arrival of baby !

  • Juliette

    So welcome to the little lady !
    And you're right, you have to pamper yourself to regain your strength and be able to hold on with the somewhat hectic nights ; go a little sweetness for the whole family !

  • titoulematou

    welcome to your chip and good appetite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • lydia

    Congratulations on the Baby and this cake !

  • This cake is so beautiful ! The photos are beautiful. it reminds me of Jean Sulpice's red plum upside-down cake, chef 2 Michelin stars. You compete widely !

  • wattoote

    this cake is perfect and so beautiful !!!

  • Welcome to your mini chip, full of happiness to all 3. I wish you all the best.

  • moum007

    what a delight, I adore!

  • Congratulation ! A beautiful cake, surely less than the real one ^^ All full of happiness.

  • Rosenoisettes

    I can already imagine the fondant mirabelle plums in your mouth…. <3

  • Mistral

    I discovered this lovely blog today. … and with us 6 last September Arnaud (our youngest) celebrated its tenth anniversary 🙂

    • Emilie

      Oh so a happy belated birthday to him, thank you Mistral 😉

  • Maelle

    That upside-down cake is awesome, it is filled with fruits as I like them.