French meringue

recette de Meringue

De battre mon cœur s’est arrêté… 3 jours durant lesquels les mots m’ont manqués pour venir exprimer par ici ce que je ressentais, j’ai donc préféré me recueillir et laisser faire le tempsL’horreur, l’angoisse, la tristesse, la colère, l’incompréhensionpuis la fraternité. Je suis Charlie, je suis policier, je suis juif, je suis citoyen mais avant tout je suis la libertéje serai toujours Charlie, nous serons tous toujours Charlie ♥

Revenir à des choses plus légères, c’est aussi se dire que la vie doit continuer, so I'm here today to tell you about what I know how to do best, the kitchen. And I’m offering you a little love today with these two-tone pink and white meringues… lightness in this world of brutes, I think it can do us good. French meringue is by far the easiest to make and is perfect for making crunchy meringues. So with these pretty meringues I say yes to the world of Care Bears, unicorns and glitter… I send you lots of love my little wolves.

  comment faire une Meringue

Meringue française

French meringue
For around twenty meringues
To print
  1. 3 egg whites
  2. 90 g caster sugar
  3. 90 g icing sugar
  4. A few drops of lemon juice (for a white meringue)
  5. Color dyes of your choice (or not)
  1. Preheat the oven to 90°.
  2. Beat the egg whites until stiff, then add the lemon and caster sugar while continuing to beat. 30 seconds. stop beating 10 seconds then repeat 10 seconds.
  3. Add the sifted icing sugar with a spatula to the egg whites.
  4. Put the meringue in a piping bag.
  5. To make two-tone meringues, separate the meringue in two, color then put in two piping bags and finally gather in a final one fitted with a fluted nozzle.
  6. Pipe your meringue on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
  7. Leave to dry in the oven for 1 hour 30.
aime & mange
recette meringue

Meringue française


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  • Marine

    Thank you for your sweet post… I wrote this evening's in the same spirit ! Let's continue to do what we know how to do, and let’s share again and always #NousSommesCharlie <3

    • Emilie

      Thank you Marine, I needed to write so much…
      Yes we will never stop <3

  • bree13

    they are very beautiful !

  • They are superb!

  • BoopCook

    they are too beautiful ! ;D

  • carabistouilles

    I take all this love with great pleasure. Thanks to you, for your words and your pretty and sweet meringues ! 😉

  • Muriel


  • Royal Chill

    Very nice text, we totally agree with you and you managed to bring a little sweetness with these sweet photos, they are perfect

  • Thank you for this sweetness… Your meringues are very beautiful !