Stewed lentils, oyster mushrooms and spinach {vegan – sans gluten}

Mijoté de lentilles

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snowwwNon non ne vous inquiétez pas je ne suis pas folle mais pour ce premier jour de décembre (oui je sais c’est un scoop) et bien il neige, la toute première neige de l’année (Jean-Pierre Pernault sort de ce corps !) et moi je suis comme une enfant de 4 ans, je reste collée à la fenêtre pour admirer ce spectacle le sourire aux lèvres ! Bref après ce chapitre météo, je vous propose de nous pencher sur la recette du jour, un mijoté de lentilles, car oui ma bonne dame, déjà les températures négatives apparaissent que je sors les recettes de Grand mère revues et corrigées vegan (yes because Grandma she, she would have put bacon in it of course !). This little lentil stew is the kind of comforting little dish that warms our bodies and, personally, is the kind of dish I like, because it’s a bit of our lentil dal French-style !

Eat with the best bread you will find, grilled in the oven with a drizzle of olive oil and scraped with a clove of garlic if you want to take the indulgence a little further !

Mijoté de lentilles recette

Mijoté de lentilles vegan

Stewed lentils, oyster mushrooms and spinach {vegan - sans gluten}
Pour 6 people
To print
  1. 400 g of blond lentils
  2. 400 g oyster mushrooms
  3. 300 g fresh spinach
  4. 10 cl de vin blanc sec
  5. 1 handful of dried porcini mushrooms (optional)
  6. 1 onion
  7. 80 cl of vegetable broth
  8. 1 Bay leaf
  9. 1 filet d'huile d'olive
  10. Salt and pepper
  1. In a pot, brown the chopped onion in cubes with a drizzle of olive oil over medium heat for 5 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, cut the oyster mushrooms into strips then add them to the onions..
  3. Deglaze with white wine, let it cook 5 minute then add the broth.
  4. Add the dried porcini mushrooms, bay leaf and lentils, bring to a boil then simmer over low heat for approximately 1 hour.
  5. 3 minutes before the end add the spinach leaves (cut them if they are too big) and adjust the seasoning and pepper.
  6. Serve with good bread.
aime & mange
recette de Mijoté de lentilles


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  • Braun


    Thank you for your delicious recipes.! 🙂
    I have a quick question : is it possible to replace white wine with something else?

    Thanks in advance!

    • Emilie

      You can simply not put it on otherwise you can't really put it back 😉

  • LadyMilonguera

    This nice stew is not to displease me…

  • It's broken

    I've already done it 3 To 4 times, it's diabolical and terribly additive …
    As I am not a fan of porcini mushrooms, except for making juice, I replaced with morels, sumptuous !!!
    I plan to make it again for New Year's Day, because for me it is as much a festive dish, just a dish to enjoy when it’s cold, the snow, too bad it's not for us … But we can hope !
    Thank you for this wonderful recipe, you have a gift for making a simple dish extraordinary

    • Emilie

      Wow your little note gives so much meaning to what I'm doing here, thank you so much <3
      It must be great with morels, I'll have to try it (and I find a corner with morels !!!).