Flaky palms {vegan}

chutes de pâte feuilletée

Clairement en période de galette, on fait pas mal de pâte feuilletée maison et qui dit galette dit chutes de pâtes feuilletées. Alors non les chutes ça ne se jette pas, ça se superpose, ça se ré-étale et on peux en faire plein d’autres choses. Aujourd’hui je vous propose un truc tout simple à faire avec les chutes de pâte feuilleté, des palmiers ! C’est quand même clairement le biscuit de notre enfance, ah le palmito que de souvenirs de goûtersmais il faut dire qu’en version fait maison c’est un autre niveau ! So we could make a mountain of homemade puff pastry but frankly it’s not as bad as it sounds, it definitely takes longer than buying it at the supermarket, that's for sure !!!

Palm is the perfect snack,

it's crispy, it's sweet, in short it's good ! I offer you a version with whole sugar and tonka bean for an even more pronounced caramel taste. (and who doesn't like caramel ?!). In short, these palm trees are a real joy and then, if you don't want to eat them right away, you can always keep them in a tin box for later ! And then it’s still time for pancakes, you can always go see the recipes of king cakes here if you are looking for inspiration for the sixth cake of the month of January !

mini homemade palm trees
sugar palm recipe

Flaky palms {vegan}

palm puff pastry
  • Superimpose your puff pastry scraps then re-roll them.
  • Sprinkle half and half with sugar and wholemeal sugar then add a little grated tonka bean, press with the rolling pin to make the sugar adhere.
  • Fold the dough to make a simple round, reserve the dough in the fridge 10 minutes.
  • Spread again into a rectangle then sprinkle with the same mixture and make a double turn.
  • Preheat the oven to 190°.
  • Roll out again then roll the edges of the dough towards the center to obtain two sausages of dough that touch each other.
  • Cut with a knife into 1 centimeter slices.
  • Bake 20 minutes.
palmier vegan

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