White pumpkin and sage pizza

Pizza blanche

S’il y a bien une pizza que nous n’avions jamais fait à la maison, c’est la pizza blanche. Entendez par là, non pas une pizza recouverte de neige mais bien une pizza avec une base blanche. Et ici la base c’est principalement de la ricotta, et avec comme accompagnement (oui car la ricotta n’aime pas sortir seule !), la courge chouchoute des français, I named the pumpkin. Une pizza de légumes avec le fromage sur la pâte et non pas par dessus, that's the whole point of this white pizza recipe which remains super healthy compared to its cousins ​​covered and dripping with cheese (good from time to time, let's admit it, it's not bad too !) !!! So I really don't see what would prevent you from making this little healthy and delicious pizza recipe for this weekend or this weekend., and don't give me the ingredient excuse, because apart from the Pizza dough, there are only 4 !!!

And you the white pizza, how do you prefer it? ?

recette de pizza blanche

Pizza blanche recette

White pumpkin and sage pizza
Pour 1 pizza
To print
  1. 1/2 pumpkin
  2. 150 g the ricotta
  3. 50 g grated parmesan
  4. A few sage leaves
  5. Olive oil
  6. 1 pinch of Espelette pepper
  7. You sell
  8. Parmesan shavings (optional)
  10. 250 g of flour
  11. 150 ml of lukewarm water
  12. 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  13. 1/2 packet of baker's yeast
  14. 4 g de sel
  1. Pour the sachet of yeast into a container then add the two tablespoons of lukewarm water on top. Leave to rest without mixing 15 minutes.
  2. In a salad bowl, mix the flour together, salt, the water, olive oil and sourdough to obtain a nice dough. Leave to rest in an oiled container for 1 hour.
  3. During this time, prepare the pumpkin. For that, wash and cut the pumpkin into slices of approximately one centimeter, place them on a baking tray, drizzle with olive oil and bake 15-20 minutes at 200°.
  4. Punch down the dough with your fist and spread it on a plate to prepare the pizza.
  5. In a bowl, mix together the ricotta, grated parmesan, Espelette pepper and a drizzle of olive oil. Spread the mixture on the dough.
  6. Add the roasted pumpkin slices and around ten sage leaves on top..
  7. Drizzle with olive oil and bake 15-20 minutes at 240°.
  8. Before serving, add some parmesan shavings on the pizza.
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/
Pizza blanche ricotta

Pizza blanche au potimarron


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  • They are

    Oh this is totally my kind of food 😀

  • Thank you, you gave me the idea for tonight’s meal. !

  • Mathilde

    Oh la lala, This pizza is sublime ! White pizzas are my favorite, I'm much less fond of sauce-based pizzas ! That said, for me it’s fresh cream base, I have never tried ricotta based … It must be really good :)

    • Emilie

      Oh yes I love it too but Monsieur is more into tomato sauce so we alternate 😉

  • Khol67

    We rarely eat pizza (too fat), but this one seems very healthy to me and with a small salad it will be very good in my lunch box.

    • Emilie

      Yes, it’s true that it’s really light 😉

  • Nina

    Bon, I'm completely confused about the comments on your previous articles. (no but you outdid yourself for Christmas, I wanted to try all your recipes! Besides for the risottos, if you want to make them lactose free, try the cashew puree mixture + brewer's yeast to give a little cheese taste, it's obviously not the same as parmesan but it's not bad all the same!) but I couldn't let this one go! A pumpkin pizza, no but it just looks mega yum!!!

    Have a great weekend miss!

    • Emilie

      ah but don’t worry, I’m completely exhausted to respond to the comments 😉 great idea, the cashew and brewer’s yeast mixture, I would test !
      Kisses my dear !

  • Corinne Loury

    Bonjour, I didn't know white pizza. And I made yours; A real treat, everything goes very well together, the dough is quickly made and very crispy when eaten. Merci

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Corinne for this delicious feedback !

  • Sonia

    take! I miss this pizza flavor! plus I have pumpkin in my fridge and I didn't really know how to use it…thank you for the great idea!

    • Emilie

      Mais je t’en prie Sonia, ravie que ce potimarron trouve preneur 😉