Winter Fruit Salad with Christmas Spice Vanilla Syrup {To prepare for Christmas #7}

Salade de fruits d'hiver

Il y a une chose sur laquelle tout le monde est d’accord : pendant les fêtes de fin d’année, nous avons légèrement tendance à nous gaver trop manger ! Alors entre le fromage et la buche, pourquoi ne pas tenter une petite salade de fruits d’hiver bien parfumée aux épices de Noël ?! It's fresh, c’est léger et acidulé, parfait pour bien terminer un repas. Cette salade de fruits d’hiver peut également se déguster tout au long de la saison hivernale, to stock up on vitamins and put beautiful colors on our plates. In any case, this is the case for me, I would enjoy it as long as there are citrus fruits on the stalls (yes because I love it !). With the same style, you can vary with a Orange salad, dates, honey and orange blossom, a fragrant winter salad that I also love !

For this fruit salad recipe, I found a little spice mix made from cinnamon sticks in my organic grocery store., cardamom seeds, star anise, licorice and orange peel, perfect for infusing in syrup. But do not worry, you can always make your mixture yourself, and you don't have to put everything ! I'll serve you a bowl ?!

Salade de fruits d'hiver

Salade de fruits d'hiver et sirop léger aux épices de Noël et à la vanille
Pour 4 people
To print
  1. 1/2 pineapple
  2. 5 Corsican clementines
  3. 3 oranges
  4. 1 grenade
  6. 20 key of water
  7. 200 g cane sugar
  8. The juice of an orange
  9. 1 tablespoon of spice mix
  10. 1 vanilla pod
  1. Cut the pineapple into pieces, cut the pomegranate seeds and clementine quarters and cut the oranges into segments (quarters without skin).
  2. Put everything in a salad bowl.
  3. For the syrup, heat the water and sugar in a saucepan with the spice mixture and the scraped vanilla pod. Let the syrup cook for 4 minutes then leave to cool. Filter the syrup then mix it with the orange juice.
  4. Pour over the fruit salad then leave to cool for at least 1 hour.
aime & mange
  Salade de fruits d'hiver

Serve chilled, this winter fruit salad will only be better !


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  • ladymilonguera

    I like this salad…

  • cookparadise

    I adore, to consume when hungry and without end
    I wish you a pleasant evening

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Valérie 😀
      Have a good evening !

  • tagadabeauty

    Hi !

    What do you mean by “spice blend”? ?

    • Emilie

      Well a little spice mix made from cinnamon sticks, cardamom seeds, star anise, licorice and orange peel ! But it is possible to simplify !

  • mandating

    A beautiful fruit salad like we like at home !!! Beautiful evening

  • BoopCook

    very tasty =)

  • This will be my post-holiday detox fruit salad ! thank you girls (Ah and yesterday it was pink salt workshop with fleur de sel !)

  • Lili

    Mmmmm what a great idea, I would even like it to be my Christmas dessert you see, it's totally to my taste !! Kisses xx

  • This is a superb fruit salad ! Light is fragrant! Ideal for parties!

  • laurence

    Stunning…I love your blog full of great ideas, by the way I just subscribed to your news, if you want to do the same, with pleasure, Kisses!

  • Tested and even remained 😉 and widely approved. Soon on my blog! Kisses

  • Dany

    Hello, I discovered your blog recently., when I really wanted a fruit salad. Since then I have already done it again 2 times. She is delicious. Good <Year

  • She makes you want, bravo!

  • Evelyne

    What is the ready-made spice mix that you found in your organic grocery store please? ?

    • Emilie

      There are mulled wine mixes that are perfect for this, I’m thinking of the cook brand for example 😉

  • Nath

    Bonjour. Thank you for this wonderful recipe., made as a dessert at Christmas dinner. Everyone feasted, my dad wants your recipe. It was a delight !

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you so much Nath for this feedback <3
      Happy end of year celebrations !


    Prepared during the holidays
    This salad is delicious, original with pomegranate. The spicy syrup is delicious, everyone loved it.

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Hélène for this feedback., I’m delighted that it pleased 😉

  • Patrick

    Thank you for this great recipe!

    Thanks to you, I was able to rest at home and eat.