Tomato quinoa salad, avocado and beans

Salade de quinoa

Je trouve que le mois de septembre est chaque année un joli mois car il y fait souvent beaupeut-être pour nous torturer, nous tous qui sommes de retour de vacances, ou bien pour nous dire que la rentrée ça n’est pas si dur que ça, car faire sa rentrée sous le soleil nous remonte A little le moral ! Anyway, voici une petite salade de quinoa parfaite pour le bord de plage (Yeah, quoi, je pense à mes piques-niques de bord de plage pour la semaine prochaine !), ou bien pour une lunch box équilibrée, ce qui évitera de nous faire craquer sur cet éclair au chocolat de la pâtisserie du coin !!!

Ah oui j’allais oubliée ! Rinse your quinoa well before cooking it to remove the saponin., yes because before discovering that thanks to Marie, I didn't like quinoa because I found it to taste bitter (not was’ fut’ the girl !) !

recette de salade de quinoa

Salade de quinoa

Tomato quinoa salad, avocado and beans
Pour 4 people
To print
  1. 300 g of quinoa
  2. 150 g borlotti beans (shelled weight)
  3. Fifteen cherry tomatoes
  4. 1 attorney
  5. 1 clove garlic
  6. A drizzle of olive oil
  7. The juice of a lemon
  8. You sell
  1. Cook the beans in boiling water for about 30 minutes (taste to check cooking and continue if necessary).
  2. Cook the quinoa as directed on the package, drain and let cool.
  3. Cut the tomatoes and avocado into cubes, book.
  4. Make the sauce by crushing the garlic clove and mixing it with the lemon juice. Add the olive oil and salt.
  5. Mix all the ingredients and serve with the sauce.
aime & mange
Recette de salade quinoa

good salad !


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  • elanor

    I really like your salad to extend the holidays! And if it can reassure you, I didn't rinse quinoa when I started using it either ^^
    (PS : I love your dishes, grrr, I am jealous :D)

    • Emilie

      Ah yes that reassures me I'm not the only one !!!
      Thank you miss ^-^
      ps: the dishes are at monop’ even if the collection is already old, I love their dishes !

  • What a beautiful bag of tomatoes! Your salad looks good!

  • velvet red

    Your salad is great! I love everything! I will definitely try it!
    Thank you Emily!

    • Emilie

      Thank you miss ^-^ you will tell me the news !

  • This is exactly the kind of salad that I like to find on my dinner menu.. Quinoa, vegetables, legumes, oilseed… happiness!! 😉