Salted caramel popcorn and brownie bars

Salted caramel popcorn and brownie

So yes, aujourd’hui c’est en anglais parce que « barres de brownie et popcorn au caramel beurre salé » ça le fait un peu moins, non?! Donc pour le détail, une base de brownie et par dessus des popcorn au caramel beurre saléje vous laisse imaginer la tueriec’est juste ‘yummy’ !!!

Bon alors, j’ai fait cette recette pour faire plaisir à des amis et je crois que ça leur a beaucoup plu (n’est-ce pas le GUC10 ?!), car il ne restait pas grand-chose à la fin

Salted caramel popcorn and brownie

Salted caramel popcorn and brownie

Just Enjoy !

Salted caramel popcorn and brownie bars (Caramelized popcorn brownie)


  • 200 g cane sugar
  • 175 g of flour
  • 170 g good dark chocolate
  • 170 g of butter
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 c. at c. de baking powder
  • 1 c. at c. cinnamon powder
  • 1 c. at c. vanilla powder
  • 1/2 c. at c. of sel

For the caramel popcorn

  • 80 g of corn kernels
  • 1 c. at c. oil
  • 210 grams of sugar
  • 100 g of liquid cream
  • 60 g of butter
  • 1 good pinch of fleur de sel


Preheat the oven to 180°.

Mix together all the dry ingredients except the sugar, mix well.

Melt the chocolate and butter in a bain-marie or in the microwave. Incorporate the sugar into this mixture then the eggs one by one, mixing vigorously between each.

Pour this mixture over the dry ingredients and mix without overworking the dough..

Pour the mixture into a square or rectangular dish and place in the oven. 25-30 minutes.

Let the brownie cool completely before making the popcorn..

For that, heat the oil in a pan and add the corn kernels. Cover everything with a lid and stir the pan occasionally. The operation will be completed when the intervals of 2 seconds between each “pop” will be over.

Reserve in a salad bowl.

Make the caramel, To do this, heat the dry sugar in a saucepan over high heat..

Heat the cream separately. Once the caramel has a nice color add the cream, stir. Then add the butter and salt off the heat, your caramel is ready.

Put a layer of caramel on the brownie then add the rest to the popcorn to coat them well. Pour the popcorn over the brownie and spread everything with a spatula and pack it well.

Salted caramel popcorn and brownie

let stand 1 hour then cut into squares.


Répondre à Pauline from The Gluten Free Company Cancel reply

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  • ladymilonguera

    This thing is pure killing !

  • Very nice! Enjoy your food!

  • sotis

    ouhlalalalalalala…… I crack!!!! Kisses

  • Yum ! So greedy !

  • mathilde

    AIE Aie Aie!!!!!! it's beautiful!

  • Coralie

    These little bars wouldn’t only make your friends happy, my dear 😉 It’s super delicious and in this weather, I really need it ^^

  • I too have “lemon bars” coming soon to the blog, and “lemon bars” I don’t really like as a translation!
    these little popcorns are great! xx

  • BoopCook

    a real killing ! ;P

  • Aaah but what is this recipe? ?? How am I going to eat my soup after seeing this terrible cake? … I imagine it was delicious! I would like a piece of it myself.

  • patchcath

    what beautiful photos! how tempting it is! and say that Lent begins tomorrow!

  • oh the crazy thing! I'm salivating!! mine and row

  • This cake looks very, very good to me. ! Thanks for the recipe

  • Aix guinea fowl

    Raah that’s dirty ! And it’s funkier in original version. Effectively. You really have a style… On my WP reader, before you even see your title, I saw a piece of the photo and I knew it was you 😉

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you very much Miss 😀 So much fun !!!

  • haha, I actually have corn kernels waiting to turn into popcorn… Thanks for the recipe!

  • Sophie

    hihihi I want some ! Thanks for the recipe (and congratulations for the photos).
    Good day

  • Lost in London

    What a great idea. I'm saving this recipe for future testing..

  • floencuisine

    amazing mixture that I would like to taste

  • Ohlalala, how delicious 🙂

  • Lolotte

    OMG this must be a real killer! I want some!

  • Madeleine

    It must be eaten without hunger and presto it slides on its own. I crack, it makes me want everything. Tell me, How much time does it take to prepare??

    • Emilie

      Um between the preparation, cooking and waiting time, I would say an hour !

  • Celine {A&CN}

    nice idea, Emilie! Never, you don't stop? Bravo.

  • Granny Cakes

    it looks awfully good! Yum Yum…

  • LBDN

    It looks like a killing!

  • sunnydlices

    Whaa but how did you get this idea??! Un brownie popcorn , It's crazy !!!

  • I wish I had this idea !!! There I admit I'm jealous… This dessert looks like it’s just a real killer. (and incidentally a calorie bomb not ?)
    Kisses girls (not cool for my figure)

    • Emilie

      Lol !!!
      Yes, it’s true that it’s a little killing that sticks to your teeth !!! and for your line.. MEA culpa…!

  • oh damn ! Ca a l’air terrible ! Bravo girls for the idea, production and photos ! It's beautiful ! ; )

  • paulinedelacompagniesansgluten

    Oh damn !! Bravo girls for the idea, production and photos ! It's beautiful !! ; )

  • Claire-tte

    Geez, This is heavy ! We literally brought out the artillery, the ! I can't wait to try this !

  • poupougnette

    how to resist so much gluttony?! Your fund!! 😉
    Good evening girls. Kisses, Kisses

  • It's original, a completely indecent gluttony !

  • Vero

    While I wander around the blogosphere and read your article, I dip my hand in a bag of popcorn (too much) sugar, I tell myself that I would exchange them for a few pieces of your cake…

  • It looks so good! I will quickly test,plus I just have some popcorn