Eggplant focaccia sandwich {vegan}

focaccia apéro

Voici une recette qui est un concentré de bonheur, tout l’été concentré en une bouchée (bon promis y’a un peu plus d’une bouchée à manger), un sandwich focaccia aux aubergines rôties. Le genre de petit plat parfait en ce moment car il fait encore un peu chaud, et puis c’est aussi le genre de déjeuner parfait à emporter avec soi au boulot (avec ou sans une salade selon les envies) ! Si comme moi vous êtes fans de focaccia, vous allez vraiment adorer en sandwich avec le pesto et le jus des tomates qui imbibe légèrement le pain c’est juste parfait !

The focaccia sandwich has become our favorite dish at home,

I still have to be quick before Monsieur devours the focaccia entirely (yes because it's still his favorite dish ever !). I must admit that it is a bit technical to eat, especially for children, personally mine open the thing in half and eat with your hands (same for me the burgers, too complicated !). It's been way too long since I've been back here, the holidays all that all that… but I'm super happy to find you here and I intend to get back on track very soon, so keep an eye out !

sandwich italy
Sourdough focaccia
Sandwich focaccia

Eggplant focaccia sandwich {vegan}


  • Preheat the oven to 200°.
  • Cut the aubergines into half-inch slices, arrange on a plate, salt and add a good drizzle of olive oil.
  • Bake 20-25 minutes, turning halfway through cooking.
  • Cut the focaccia into 4 then open each part in half to make sandwiches.
  • Cut the tomatoes into slices, add salt and pepper.
  • Put a good spoonful of pesto on the focaccia then add slices of tomatoes and slices of roasted eggplant then close.
  • Taste without delay !
Stuffed focaccia
focaccia recipe
eggplant recipe

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