Elderflower and rhubarb syrup

Je crois que je ne vous ai encore jamais parlé de fleurs de sureau par ici, Monsieur m’a fait découvrir ça il y a quelques années et je dois dire que j’ai tout de suite aimé sa saveur. J’ai donc eu envie de faire mon propre sirop de sureau et d’y ajouter la saveur fraîche et acidulée de la rhubarbe. good okay, au début ça ne devait être qu’un test car je n’était pas vraiment sûre de l’association des deux, mais je dois dire que ce sirop de sureau et rhubarbe est vraiment délicieux. I once read that things that grow in the same season always go well together, nature does things well ! Don't be fooled by the smell of elderberry while cooking, the taste will be completely different but I admit it's a little weird the first time. Little tip for picking, pick far from the roads and go there because elderflower season is now !

Maybe this little cold drink will bring back the sun and spring at the same time (because autumn we are a little tired of it !), in any case this syrup will be perfect at aperitif time with a small slice of lemon.

Elderflower and rhubarb syrup
For about 2 bottles
To print
  1. 10 elderflower bouquets
  2. 300 g rhubarb
  3. 1 liter of water
  4. 600 grams of sugar
  1. Separate the elderflowers from the stems and cut the rhubarb into pieces.
  2. Put everything in a large saucepan and cover with water..
  3. Bring to a boil at a low simmer 20 minutes.
  4. Filter the mixture and add the sugar.
  5. Bring to the boil again 5 minutes and skim if necessary then bottle and store in a cool place.
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/


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  • Pascale

    Petite question, can you pasteurize the syrup… fridge always very full.

  • BoopCook

    I love =P

  • Cecilecooks

    Awesome ! Have you ever tried making this syrup with other flowers? ?

  • Coco

    I have never tasted elderberry, but rhubarb, I love that, and then this soft pink color, it really feels like!