Lebanese Tabbouleh

Taboulé libanais

Je sais, je n’arrête pas de vous faire des recettes du moyen-orient mais que voulez-vous, le blog est aussi (and especially) le reflet de notre alimentation du quotidien ! J’avais déjà fait une recette de taboulé classique pour le blog mais j’avoue que le taboulé libanais reste un de mes favoris. Le secret est de couper tous les ingrédients finement et surtout les herbes, afin d’obtenir un résultat parfait !

Le résultat est frais, léger et vraiment parfuméen bref, un mezzé ou une entrée parfaite pour cet été (quand arriveront les grandes chaleur !!!).

Taboulé libanais

Bon donc si vous n’en avez jamais fait, I strongly encourage you to test !!!

Lebanese Tabbouleh

Ingredients (pour 4 people)

  • 40 g fine bulgur
  • 1 bunch of flat-leaf parsley
  • 1/2 bunch of mint
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1 fresh onion
  • The juice of 2 lemons
  • 6 c. to s. good olive oil
  • Salt and pepper


Wash the parsley and mint, remove the stems and chop finely.

Finely chop the onion.

Cut the tomatoes into small cubes.

In a salad bowl, put the bulgur with the lemon juice, olive oil then the rest of the ingredients.

let it swell 30 cool minutes.

Serve with Arabic bread or salad leaves that will serve as spoons.


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  • emilie

    oh it's funny, no water to swell the bulgur, the lemon does its work then ! Keep feasting my eyes, lebanese cuisine, I like I like 🙂

    • Emilie

      Yes it's the magic of lemon 😉 but you need fine bulgur it's super important at the risk that it crunches a little under the tooth !!!
      Thanks my beauty !

  • BoopCook

    delicious tabbouleh

  • Lebanese tabbouleh, I adore ! Yours pleases me…

  • this tabbouleh looks very good, miammm

  • I really have to try this recipe ! Bulgur at the base I'm not a fan, but I believe that cooked like that, I could well be seduced !

  • FLaure

    I ate one made by a Lebanese, a delight. Thanks for bringing back this memory..
    Have a good week FLaure

  • I have to test ! I really like bulgur. I'll let you know as soon as possible (or rather ate) ^^

  • I love this tabbouleh, it is wonderfully refreshing !

  • Edith

    Too good!
    too fresh!

  • late

    I made this recipe too today and it was just perfect to cool off a bit with this Grenoble heat wave.!
    My grandparents and I loved it!!
    On the other hand, my tabbouleh did not absorb all the lemon juice/olive oil even after several hours in the fridge..
    I'll do it again tomorrow, I might add a little bulgur seed.
    Merci !

    • Emilie

      thanks for the remark, I take note ^-^ Glad that everyone liked it !!!

  • Tabbouleh

    Thanks for the recipe !
    I can't wait to taste this tabbouleh and also treat my mouth, not just my eyes !
    In addition, This is the first time I have seen a recipe without water.. As a result, j’ai hâte de l’essayer 🙂