Damask and greengage tart with streusel

Tarte aux quetsches

S’il y avait bien une tarte aux prunes que je ne vous avais pas encore concocté par ici, c’est bien la tarte aux quetsches. Bon mais comme je n’avais pas acheté assez de quetsches au marché (ou alors que j’en ai trop mangé avant de faire la tarte !!!), j’ai ajouté quelques reines-claudes. Le mélange des deux prunes est très bon, même si je pense qu’avec seulement des quetsches ça l’aurait été tout autant !

Et pour faire honneur aux origines alsaciennes de Monsieur, I covered my tart with an almond streusel which brings a lot of deliciousness to the whole (well we no longer think about the swimsuit at this time, non ?!).

Tarte aux quetsches

Tarte aux quetsches

A good damson tart which completes a long series of tarts on this blog (not us, hein ?!) !!!

Damask and greengage tart with streusel

Ingredients (for a pie)

  • A dozen quetsches
  • A dozen greengage queens
  • 50 g of flour
  • 50 g cane sugar
  • 50 g of butter
  • 35 g of whole almond powder
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar

For the shortcrust pastry

  • 130 g of flour
  • 90 g of butter
  • 45 g icing sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 15 g ground almonds
  • 1 pinch of salt


To prepare your shortbread dough, work the butter and the sugar by hand so that the butter becomes "ointment". Then add the whole egg and work the mixture again. Add the flour and salt all at once and mix until you get a smooth paste.. Form a ball and refrigerate 1 hour.

Then prepare the streusel dough, work all the ingredients together with your fingertips to sand the dough. Book cool.

Preheat the oven to 180°.

Spread the dough on the work surface and place it in a mold. Smooth the edges with a knife if necessary.

Wash and cut the plums in half. Arrange them on the dough cut side down.

Then add the streusel dough on top, crumbling it well..

Bake 30 minutes.

Tarte aux quetsches

Enjoy warm with a good scoop of vanilla ice cream !


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  • veropapilles

    Your tart is superb and I really like mixing plums in a tart or clafoutis.. With the streusel, a pure delight, I adore. Beautiful evening. Vero

  • BoopCook

    she must be excellent !

  • I don't know streusel, This makes me want to try it… In principle it looks like a crumble ?

    • Emilie

      Yes, it’s a crumble with almond powder 😉

  • Royal Chill

    What a pie ! Since we've heard about streusel pies, we haven't really gotten into them yet. ! Maybe the opportunity, she is very appetizing !

  • LadyMilonguera

    With the streusel on top, This tart is very delicious !

  • lydia

    I take a part !

  • Juliette

    Mmmm even more delicious with the stuuel… Not sure that a scoop of ice cream is essential at this stage of indulgence 🙂

  • Before La fourmi

    Splendid tart with streusel on top! A real treat !

  • sophie

    great idea for this tart !

  • wattoote

    I made almost the same with mirabelle plums the other day, these strusel tarts are real killer

  • Yum !! A very nice tart !

  • Amelie

    Yum ! Beautiful pictures ! I absolutely have to try it !! 🙂