Butternut squash terrine, lentil sprouts and seeds {sans gluten}

Terrine de courge

Il y a des dizaines de variétés de courges différentes et j’en découvre de nouvelles tous les jours (merci Lili !) et je me régale à les cuisiner de plein de manières différentes pour varier les plaisirsLe potimarron est très « à la mode » en ce moment, c’est vrai qu’avec son petit goût de châtaigne il a de quoi nous séduire, mais à contrario la courge musquée n’a pas trop la cote, elle est peut-être un peu délaissée, pourtant c’est la courge la plus « commune ».

L’autre jour au marché, I just bought a whole butternut squash just for Monsieur and me ! You imagine the thing… so I froze some but also cooked quite a bit, including a Butternut Squash Terrine !

Terrine de courge

I am gradually changing my habits to adopt a more vegetarian and healthier diet., and what's great, it’s that I discover a lot of things that I didn’t pay attention to before. The organic grocery store has become a real Ali Baba’s cave, I test a lot, I don't like everything but I taste it, I discover and learn to tame a bunch of products with pleasure !

So here is a terrine recipe, perfect for a light meal or to take in your lunch box ! This one is gluten free and full of nutrients, I hope that you will like her !

Butternut squash terrine, coral lentil shoots and various seeds {sans gluten}


  • 500 g butternut squash
  • 200 g brown rice flour
  • 100 g grated Emmental cheese
  • 3 eggs
  • 50 g of lentil sprouts
  • 30 g quinoa flakes
  • 60 ml grapeseed oil
  • 60 ml of vegetable milk
  • 30 g pumpkin seeds
  • 30 g sunflower seeds
  • 20 g sesame seeds
  • Salt and pepper


Preheat the oven to 200°.

Peel and cut the squash into small cubes then place them on a baking tray. pour a drizzle of olive oil on top and put in the oven 30 minutes.

Once cooked, take 300 g of squash to puree it and keep the rest in cubes.

Mix the flour together, flakes and 3/4 seeds.

In a salad bowl, beat the eggs with the milk, the oil, squash puree, salt and pepper.

Gradually pour the flour mixture into the liquid mixture and stir without overworking the dough.. Then add the Emmental cheese to the mixture., sprouted lentil seeds and cubed squash.

Pour the mixture into a non-stick cake mold or one lined with parchment paper. Add the rest of the seeds on top.

Bake at 180° for 50 minutes.

Terrine de courge

Enjoy in slices warm or cold, accompanied by a good salad.


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  • Emilie

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  • Miss Crumble

    This terrine doesn’t look bad at all to me.! I’ve never eaten it but what does butternut squash taste like??

    • Emilie

      Well, squash… no seriously it's wetter in texture than pumpkin but I couldn't explain the taste to you !!!

  • Enjoy your terrine Emilie. Kind of cake actually ? The device looks good in any case. A essayer version Vg ^^ LOL.
    Greedy kisses my dear.

    • Emilie

      Yes but a little wetter !
      Thank you miss 😉

  • BoopCook

    very nice terrine ! ;P

  • Natalie

    Well done Emilie ! Plant milks come into your kitchen and I find in this recipe the ingredients that I use ! You could try silken tofu to replace eggs, the result is stunning 😉
    As usual, your photos are enticing !
    Good evening

    • Emilie

      Oh yes, there is almost no more cow's milk here and neither is there any cream., I fell in love with vegetable creams !!! The tofu, oui, I've wanted to try it for a long time but Mr. is allergic to soy so…
      Thank you very much my beautiful 😉

      • Natalie

        Ah these men ! Mister is allergic to quinoa, with bulgur, au pois chiche et aux haricots secs ! Nice puzzle to prepare a vegan menu !!!
        I renew my congratulations for your vegetarian approach, which is not so easy to take. !

        • Emilie

          Ah these men you said it…but Mr. is also allergic to a lot of raw fruits and vegetables !!!
          Thanks my beauty, your blog also helped me a lot !

  • poupougnette

    Needless to say, I love squash of all kinds., eh girls?! 😉
    Your terrine is just perfect for me, all that I love!! 😉
    Have a nice day, girls.
    Kisses, Kisses

    • Emilie

      No I think you have proven your addiction enough !!! lol !
      Thank you very much my beautiful 😀
      Good day for you too !

  • cookparadise

    It’s superb… the sunflower seeds I love, it’s a great idea you had
    Good weekend

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you very much Valérie, t’es adorable !
      Have a good weekend to you too !

  • Liz

    Hey, it's super original… I'm tempted !

    • Emilie

      Yes I let go…!
      Thank you very much Liz 😉

  • Lovely this squash terrine with all these little seeds !

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Gluten-free gourmet !

  • lolotte

    Oulalala but it all looks like a real treat!

  • Cook-with-love

    Very original this terrine, bravo !!

    Ps : J’organise un swap (principle of parcel exchange) on my blog, registrations end tomorrow (Sunday) at midnight so don’t hesitate to come and register (you will have time to think about your package)… I'm counting on you 😉

  • Lili

    Oh that must be a delight !!! I adore !! Kisses and thank you !!!

  • Gorgeous !