Banana bread with pecan nuts and maple syrup {vegan}

Banana bread aux noix de pécan

J’adore le banana bread, c’est un gâteau que je fais souvent pour finir des bananes bien mûres et je me régale à coup sûr ! But the, j’avais envie de le réaliser en version vegan avec, en plus de d’habitude, des noix de pécan et un glaçage au sirop d’érable (oh c’est bon ça colle aux doigts !)… Cette version est juste une tuerie, vous auriez vu ma tête quand j’ai dégusté le premier morceau… (enfin non valait mieux pas car je crois que je n’étais pas coiffée !)… l’extase total !!!

As much to tell you that it was quickly devoured tasted by Monsieur and I !!! Well yes it would be a shame if it still dried !

Banana bread aux noix de pécan

Banana bread aux noix de pécan

I think I have nothing more to say… I leave you with so much greed !

Banana bread with pecan nuts and maple syrup {vegan}

Ingredients (for a cake tin)

  • 100 g of flour
  • 30 g cornstarch
  • 3 bananas
  • 100 g applesauce
  • 50 g maple syrup
  • 50 g pecans
  • 30 ml grapeseed oil
  • 1/2 packet of yeast
  • 1 c. at c. bicarbonate of soude

For the icing

  • 50 g icing sugar
  • 50 g maple syrup (type brown)


Preheat the oven to 180°.

Put the flour, starch, yeast and baking soda in a bowl.

Mash the bananas with a fork and add them to the flour. Then add the rest of the ingredients to the bowl.. Mix without overworking the dough and pour into a non-stick or buttered-flour cake mold.

Bake 35-40 minutes.

Let cool 10 minutes then unmold.

To prepare the icing, heat the maple syrup, remove from the heat and add the icing sugar. Pour over the cake once cooled and add some pecans on top.

Banana bread aux noix de pécan

Banana bread aux noix de pécan

Enjoy !


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  • Lucile

    The one who stays, there's a little bit left for me ??

    • Emilie

      Sorry Lucile, we ate it all

      • Lucile

        Actually, I did it tonight !
        I used rice flour and potato starch instead. A little less maple syrup for the icing (simply because the bottle was empty…). Everyone feasted, merci !!

        • Emilie

          Oh awesome !!! Glad you liked it Lucile 😉
          Thank you for this return !

  • like you, j’adoooore les banana cakes
    your recipe looks awesome, and the list of ingredients very small ! (I like !)

    come on I put in my pinterest and I do it as soon as possible 🙂

    • Emilie

      Thank you miss 😀 It's true that I don't really like long lists either !!!

  • veropapilles

    I have never tasted, but frankly, tes photos, a pure delight, it's too tempting, I'm going to make one soon I think. Greetings and have a good day. Vero

    • Emilie

      Cool Vero, you will tell me about it !
      Hugs to you 😉

  • Caroline

    Wonderful recipe! I confirm it without hesitation. What's more, the pictures are awesome! I'm writing it down so I can make it this weekend.! I will recommend your site in the future.

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Caroline for your compliments, I blush 😉

  • Bene

    Say girls you spoil us !! It looks so good and tasty.
    It's perfect to comfort us with this gray weather !

    • Emilie

      Well yes it is true that it is necessary that with this time !!!
      Thank you Ben ^-^

  • LadyMilonguera

    Moi, as soon as there are bananas, I crack !

  • great recipe and great photos, thanks for sharing

  • J’adore le banana bread, and like you, as I still don't find it tasty enough, I often spread it with a good layer of salted butter caramel.
    This recipe just looks awful, I would come and have a snack with you !

  • Lili

    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, the banana bread of phew !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are a fan of a fan !!!!!!!!! Kisses !

  • Popsicles

    wonderful and so delicious

  • fbergamote

    Oh this banana bread is a pure delicacy !
    With pecans and maple syrup, I adore …
    Beautiful evening

  • Claire-tte

    Oh, this is breakfast that should keep you going in the morning ! Banana and pecan nuts… I don't think I ever associated them, and yet I read the recipe, it seems to flow from source !

  • oh la la but it's a killer !

  • Whoa

    mmhm too greedy I can't resist !

  • Miss Pigut

    Ahhh I love banana bread and I love pastries with pecans… Wonderful. In addition, it's not like the picture isn't absolutely stunning… My resistance won't last long, I feel the greedy inside me screaming ! (MERCI !)

    • Emilie

      Thank you my beautiful, you make me blush

  • cricri67

    It looks like a real KILLER this dessert!! Uh I think I'm going to have to succumb lol

  • Audrey

    My god I'm hungry !!!!! This cake looks delicious !
    Kisses 🙂

  • veganism

    Oh my gosh! That looks so delicious!

    • Emilie

      Thank you su much ! It tastes good too 😉

  • he really wants this banana bread. I collect recipes since I ate one too good in the Caribbean.

  • julia

    great series of photos!!! give too much desire!

  • Bora

    Yum !!!
    thank you girls, this cake is great and even when you forget the oil ! (miss head in the air that i am)

  • Zinnora

    I just tested it, how soft it is! Yum!
    Thanks for the recipe 🙂

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Zinnora for this great feedback 😉

  • He is more than handsome, he is divine!! I would see myself with a nice slice of this beautiful cake and a nice cup of tea!

  • Alison

    Then, I adore, I buy, I will do it as soon as I can 🙂

  • Maryam Rose

    I love your version of banana bread it is too greedy !

  • Sophie

    Waaa it's so beautiful 🙂 the photos are really successful and the cake looks addictive ! bravo

    • Emilie

      Wow thank you very much Sophie !!! I confirm it's downright addictive 😉

  • MICHEL31

    I don't see any eggs in the ingredients. Is this normal ?
    Thank you in advance for your answer.

    • Emilie

      Yes Michel it's completely normal, mashed bananas replace eggs.

  • stephanie

    Your cake is awesome! The texture doesn't look bad at all ! I have often been disappointed. I think I will try your recipe !

  • Julie

    Hello Emily

    Thanks for your recipes, I love them

    I would like to know what to substitute for baking soda. ??? Thanks in advance


    • Emilie

      The baking powder / Bicarbonate combo can be replaced by baking powder 🙂

  • Karima

    I just made the recipe which is topissime but the icing does not look at all like the photo? I heated 50g of maple syrup which I then mixed with 50g of icing sugar and the icing became light beige and you feel that the icing sugar no longer has any maple syrup.
    So I preferred not to pour it and rather pour pure maple syrup.

    • Emilie

      You have to heat and reduce the maple syrup for the concentrate or use a so-called "brown" syrup but I'm sure it was also very good like that 😉

  • pralinette

    Your banana bread is super good, I do it regularly (with chocolate chips and with rice flour) and it is swallowed at lightning speed….Thank you for this great recipe. I posted it here:

  • Sandra
