Strawberry Coconut Ice Cream Bars {vegan}
L’été on l’a tous attendu, on l’a même parfois supplié d’arriver, mais maintenant qu’il est là c’est autre chose… oui car ces derniers jours, il fait chaud voire trop chaud ! Bon, pour palier à ce léger problème j’ai la solution : se découvrir, boire beaucoup d’eau, manger des fruits et des glaces. Oui vous avez bien entendu, des glaces, mais pas n’importe quelles glaces, des glaces faites maison (oui, oui, oui je ne vous ai pas dis de descendre le pot d’Hagen… ou de Be… & Je…. !!!). J’ai donc la solution à tous vos problèmes avec ces bâtonnets glacés fraises et coco, ready in no time (well you just have to let them freeze eh, otherwise it's not really ice cream anymore !), they will be perfect for the hot weather (or not !). And since it’s summer, I thought of you and I prepared a “bikini friendly” version for you., otherwise I feel that you were ready to throw stones at me in the face of such unspeakable gluttony (non ?! ok ok !).
Bon, I'm not telling you the hassle of photographing ice cream when it's 28° in the apartment… hum hum it melts quickly (I feel for everyone who is trying to do the same thing these days. !) !!!
- 30 cl of coconut milk
- 4 tablespoons of agave syrup
- 100 g strawberries
- 2 tablespoons of sugar
- 2 tablespoons of water
- Heat the coconut milk and agave syrup until the mixture is smooth.
- Divide the mixture into 2/3 in the molds.
- Mix the strawberries with the sugar and water and pour this coulis over the coconut milk.
- Mix quickly with a stick to create marbling.
- Put wooden sticks and reserve in the freezer 4/5 hours.
You can find this pretty black watercolor tea towel at Hunter Rabbit.
26.6.15Wow, I'm interested ! And it’s true that it’s quick too 😉 Thank you <3
28.6.15Ahh cool !!!
26.6.15Your sticks are magnificent
28.6.15Thank you Nina 😉
27.6.15It's true that with this heat, we really appreciate good little ice cream sticks!
28.6.15Oh yes, that’s very true 😉
27.6.15I recently bought ice cream molds, I know what to do with it now! I tested by freezing fruit juice, but it was too effective Mr Freeze ^^’ I had an idea that coconut milk + chocolate would be good, but your recipe looks good to me. With raspberries (Yes I know, encore, but we're drowning under the raspberries in the garden…). Or with peaches why not! I think it can be combined with lots of fruit =)
28.6.15I too would like to drown in raspberries but in the city… I am delighted to have you use this little mold which will no longer remain an orphan !
29.6.15Impossible to resist in this heat !
9.7.15That is very true !!!
29.6.15The one who talks !!! With this heat, it's perfect !
9.7.15Oh yes, I could only eat that !
30.6.15The sun is not yet at its zenith, but with this heat , I would like to treat myself to a little break with such ice cream !
9.7.15Yes it’s tempting 😉
2.7.15Huuuum, It looks tasty!
Just a quick question, I would also really like to make them on my blog but I can't find pretty molds and sticks for a more aesthetic result, where did you find yours?
Thank you in advance for your response 🙂
9.7.15Thanks Julie !
I found ordinary molds at Casa or Ikea I think and I replaced the top with simple wooden sticks that I found in a pastry store in Grenoble (but I think that on the internet it must be found !).