Bergamote curd {without milk – sans gluten}
Je voue une certaine fascination pour les agrumes, et je dois dire que dès que je tombe sur un spécimen différent du citron je me jette dessus ! C’est le cas pour ces jolies bergamotes trouvées sur les étals de l’épicerie bio, que j’ai de suite eu envie de les transformer en curd. So yes, on confond souvent bergamote et citron beldi mais avec un peu de pratique vous ferez vite la différence (la faute aux maraichers qui nomment les deux « bergamote », mais il y a la vraie et la fausse !). Brief, ce petit bergamote curd est acidulé comme il faut et la bergamote nous transporte immédiatement ailleurs (and hop a little culinary journey !) et Cherry on the cake lemon on the curd this version is dairy free and gluten free.
Use as you see fit as in this pancake layer cake or simply to taste with a teaspoon, But I'm still preparing a little extra recipe just in case. !!!

- 65 g cane sugar
- 30 g deodorized coconut oil
- 20 g vegetable margarine
- 2 eggs
- Juice and zest of one lemon
- Juice and zest of a bergamot
- 1 teaspoon of cornstarch
- Beat the eggs in an omelet in a mixing bowl then add the juice and zest of the bergamot and lemon and the cornstarch. Put the bowl in the double boiler over high heat and whisk until the mixture thickens (it takes about 15 minutes for the preparation to rise in temperature). Add the coconut oil and margarine off the heat., whisk well.
- Pour the preparation into a jar then reserve in the fridge 2 hours before eating.
Shirley Ruby
26.2.16Ouhhhlala tomorrow I test and I tell you ! 😀
28.2.16Cool, I hope you like it 😉
in his voice
27.2.16Just like you, I really like this little lemon.
28.2.16Yes it's a real little treasure 🙂
blois kitchen
1.3.16nice blog, and the pictures make you want !
1.3.16Thank you very much 😉
2.3.16The only experience I have with bergamot, it’s in tea and in an absolutely sublime ice cream from Terre Adélie tasted at La Tête à L’envers in Grenoble (you know this restaurant?), but that's enough to make me say that it's super good ^^ I love its taste both lemony and flowery, in curd it must be wonderful! I don't think he would last two days, I would eat sandwiches morning and evening haha! I would really like to find some fresh bergamot lemons once, but for the moment I have never seen myself. Where do you find them?
24.3.16Oh yes upside down !!! But never tasted the bergamot ice cream ! It is true that it is a wonderful citrus fruit, I adore. I find them at the organic grocery store, this year there were quite a few in satoriz and clear life.
3.3.16Fan of citrus fruits, I'm sure I'd like this "curd" 🙂
24.3.16Oh yes !!!