Eggplant caviar or Moutabal

Caviar d'aubergine

Je crois que le caviar d’aubergine est mon mézzé préféré derrière lhoumous ou peut-être bien qu’ils arrivent à égalitéEn tout cas c’est le mézzé préféré de Monsieur (et comme j’adore lui faire plaisir), et bien on en mange très souvent en été. En plus ma Maman m’a gentiment donné de bonnes aubergines du jardin… !

Le caviar d’aubergine est un mézzé aussi appelé Salate H’atsilim enIsrael ou Moutabal au Liban (un peu de culture ne fait pas de mal de temps en temps !!!). A recipe that allows you to accommodate eggplant in a simple and light way since it cooks without oil, interesting no…?! I feel you're starting to hang on !

So what do we do with the last eggplants ?!!!

Caviar d'aubergine

Eggplant caviar or Moutabal

Ingredients (pour 4)

  • 3-4 small eggplants
  • 3 tablespoons of tahini / tahini / tahineh (or sesame puree)
  • 1 clove garlic
  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1 filet d’huile d’olive
  • 1 c. to s. labane or buttermilk
  • 1/2 c. at c. cumin powder
  • You sell


Preheat the oven to 200°.

Wash and prick the aubergines on all sides with a fork and arrange them on a baking sheet. Bake 20-25 minutes, turning halfway through cooking.

let them cool, peel them, holding them by their stem and remove the seeds. Keep only the flesh. Yes yes it is a bit tedious but the result is really better without the grains !

Then mix together the eggplant flesh with the garlic, tahini, lemon juice, le cumin, and last, a drizzle of olive oil and salt.


Serve chilled with Arabic bread or pitas.


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  • cookparadise

    With the tahini it must be delicious
    I wish you a nice day

    • Emilie

      Yes it's too good !!!
      Good day Valerie !

  • Lolotte

    that and man.. I love it but I've never managed to do it well. I might try your recipe., but it's not really eggplant season anymore

    • Emilie

      Well my organic merchant still had some so you might be able to find some more…

  • isa

    well me when I make eggplant caviar, it doesn't have that color at all. Why?? yours is much prettier though, jealous chu. i will try yours.

    • Emilie

      So you will tell me but removing the grains has a lot to do with it but here I also used white eggplant with lighter flesh !
      Bisous Isa

  • Coralie

    Like Isa, my eggplant caviar is more brown… Either way, yours looks awesome., I would dip my spoon in it ^^

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Coralie 😉 To retest then !!!

  • Natalie

    Thank you for sharing !

  • Kaellie

    Eggplant caviar is the only way to make me eat it 😉
    great recipe, Thanks a lot !

    • Emilie

      It is true that the taste of eggplant and the shape are not the same !
      Thank you Kaellie 😉

  • namnamfood

    Very nice photo, also one of my favorites. It is also called "Baba Ghanouche" and part of the skin can be kept (environ 5-10% total skin) it gives a delicious smoky taste any bonus for those who like. Thank you for everything you share with us!

  • Grenoble

    I use your hummus recipe and, how much I love eggplants, I will test this one ! Beautiful photos and thank you for the cultural info ! <3

  • Noemie Girardet

    I looked a little bit what you do and I love your recipes. Honestly everything looks delicious, I can't wait to try them! I'll let you know. Brief, as you saw, I love to cook, invent recipes, all quite healthy and good for your health, moreover, I love sharing what I do. This is why the idea of ​​making a blog is on my mind., So I would like to ask you a few questions about yours if you don't mind..

    Awaiting your news, I wish you good luck with your recipes.!

    Biseee, Noemie

    • Emilie

      Hi Noemie, thank you for your note !
      You can contact me by email at : to ask me your questions, I will try to answer with pleasure !
      Beautiful day !