Salted butter caramel whipped cream

Chantilly au caramel

Ce soir là était un soir comme les autres, un vendredi 13 banal, un jour de superstitions pour certains mais aussi et surtout la fin d’une semaine de boulot, le début du week-end que l’on célèbre en allant boire un verre, manger un morceau ou écouter de la bonne musiquePourtant à 22h ce vendredi 13 novembre 2015 ne fut pas un vendredi 13 comme les autresl’horreur s’est produite et mon cœur s’est déchiré en un millième de secondes. J’ai pleuré, beaucoup pleuré devant ce déchainement de haine,cette barbarie, I thought of the victims on whom we all put faces and names, I thought of their families and loved ones. I gave myself time to come back here, time to find the courage and the words. To write… write so as not to forget, write to start again, write as therapy… It's my duty, our duty not to forget, as we must not forget the other victims of attacks in the world, there is no better death.

Let's stay united in the face of these barbarities committed because we are freedom ♥

To share with you, cook, this is what i know how to do best so here i am. I have a simple recipe for you., a comforting recipe to think a little about the comfort of our minds, whipped cream with salted butter caramel. Yes it's not really a recipe as such but you will still have to make the salted butter caramel if you don't have one in the closet ! And since we need comfort but we don't all want to spend three hours in the kitchen, caramel whipped cream is the perfect remedy served at the end of a meal with a coffee.

So I leave you with the recipe and I send you lots of love, kisses and hugs.

Crème chantilly au caramel

Recette de Chantilly au caramel

Salted butter caramel whipped cream
Pour 6 small pots
To print
  1. 15 whipping cream
  2. 50 g salted butter caramel
  1. Put the mixer bowl in the fridge 15 minutes before starting.
  2. Beat the cream until it becomes frothy and a little firm.
  3. Add the salted butter caramel gently with a spatula.
  4. Serve in small jars and enjoy with a spoon !
aime & mange

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  • Thank you Emilie for these few grams of delicacies that put a little balm in the heart 🙂

  • Corinne

    simple and harshly tempting. And as you say, right now we need little comforters more than ever.

    • Emilie

      Thank you Corinne, it's true that we need this

  • Miammmm!!!


    Thank you for these comforting and soothing words in this harsh time and thank you for this beautiful recipe.
    How much butter and sugar do you need to get 50g of caramel ? Congratulations for this superb blog which I could not do without.
    Good for you.

    • Emilie

      Thanks Marie and sorry for the late reply.. The proportions are to be divided by approximately three !

  • Charlotte

    This is exactly what is needed right now, Thanks for the recipe !

  • Foodbiotic

    A rather comforting recipe !

  • falk


  • Conan

    Through a review