Charwarma with roasted chickpeas and vegetables {vegan}

Charwarma aux pois-chiches rôtis et légumes {vegan}

Voilà donc la recette pour accompagner celle des pains libanais de mardi, des charwarmas aux pois-chiches rôtis et légumes. Personnellement c’est le genre de petit plat que je pourrait tous les jours, (avec les falafel bien sur!) cette recette c’est un peu un concentré de tout ce que j’aime. Vous, je crois que vous l’aviez déjà compris, j’adoooorrreee la cuisine moyen orientale ! Les pois-chiches rôtis je suis une grande inconditionnelle depuis longtemps et j’ai vu l’autre jour que je ne vous avez jamais proposé la recette, je répare donc cet oubli. As you saw the other day the bread is super easy to make and I assure you the accompaniment too, you just need sesame paste (tahin) on hand for the sauce.

Brief, This recipe just made me want to make it again this weekend, And you ?!

Charwarma aux pois-chiches rôtis et légumes {vegan}

Charwarma aux pois-chiches rôtis et légumes {vegan}

Charwarma with roasted chickpeas and vegetables {vegan}
Pour 4
To print
  1. 4 chawarmas
  2. 100 g dried chickpeas
  3. 3 cl d'huile d'olive
  4. 1 tablespoon of cumin
  5. 1 tablespoon of cumin seeds
  6. 1 tablespoon of paprika
  7. 1 pinch of salt
  8. Cherry tomatoes
  9. 1 cucumber
  10. 1 sweet onion
  11. Olives (optional)
  12. Olive oil
  13. You sell
  15. 3 tablespoons of tahini (sesame paste)
  16. 1 small bunch of dill
  17. 2 tablespoons of water
  18. The juice of half a lemon
  19. 1 clove garlic
  20. 1 teaspoon coarse salt
  1. Soak the chickpeas in cold water the day before. The next day, drain and cook in boiling salted water for approximately 1 hour.
  2. Cut the cucumber into slices and the tomatoes into quarters and finely chop the onion. Mix everything and add a splash of olive oil and salt.
  3. To prepare the tahini sauce, put the garlic in a blender, coarse salt and lemon juice. Mix well then add the water and the sesame paste and mix again. Chop the dill and add it to the sauce.
  4. Mix the well-drained chickpeas with the spices and salt then heat them 3 cl of olive oil in a pan and add the chickpeas. Brown for two to three minutes, the chickpeas should be lightly toasted.
  5. Arrange the hot chickpeas in the charwarma, adding vegetables and tahini sauce.
  6. Serve with olives.
aime & mange
  Charwarma aux pois-chiches rôtis et légumes {vegan}

Charwarma aux pois-chiches rôtis et légumes {vegan}

Charwarma aux pois-chiches rôtis et légumes {vegan}


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  • Delia

    Ha I see that I'm not the only chickpea addict? :p
    I eat about three boxes a week, I'm a huge fan of cold salads but I love making them into pancakes which don't hold together well but which I devour as if my life depended on it, with a little carrot and onion …
    Your recipe for little pancakes made me want, so adding the chickpea combo didn't satisfy my hunger, naughty 😉 !
    I really like your funds, Are these “solidarity boards” that you are repainting??
    I am a huge fan of your sober compositions, rustic and really effective!
    A kiss !

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much miss, ton com’ touches me a lot because I also really like your work !
      Yes for the boards, It’s Mr. who makes all this for me with wood found or purchased !

  • Anne

    It makes me want to travel!

  • jaivoulutester

    Yum, it looks so good to me, I note!

  • CookieM

    I love all the ingredients in this recipe which will be, without doubt, carried out. I never thought I would cook chickpeas this way.. Many thanks for sharing this.
    Have a nice week end !

  • Nathy's Folies

    mmmhhh… It looks tasty !!! Is it possible to make your recipe with canned chickpeas??
    See you soon

  • Domino

    Merciii 🙂

  • lara

    Good evening !
    I just found your blog and I love it !!!
    full of ideas and original recipes, well illustrated and with a lot of humor !
    regarding this recipe , she is impeccable . having Lebanese origins myself , I say bravo to you !
    see you soon for new recipes 🙂
    good Sunday