Pain libanais chawarma {vegan}

Pain libanais chawarma {vegan}

Aujourd’hui on va parler pain libanais et pas n’importe lequel, la chawarma. C’est le pain qui accompagne tous les mezze et que nous prenons toujours plaisir à la maison à déguster avec un bon houmous, une spread ou une salad, bref c’est un peu notre pain chouchou car en plus il est hyper rapide à faire. Donc plus d’excuse pour acheter le pain libanais à la supérette du coin, faites le maison avec une bonne farine (que vous pouvez bien sûr varier) et vous serez fiers de vous (ça aussi c’est hyper important !). En plus pas d’excuses car la recette ne contient que 4 ingredients including water and salt, so there really you no longer have a choice…

Little bonus, a recipe to accompany these shawarmas will soon appear on the blog, life is not beautiful ?!

Pain libanais chawarma {vegan}

Pain libanais chawarma {vegan}
Pour 6-8 pancakes
To print
  1. 300 g T80 flour
  2. 20 key of water
  3. 30 ml d'huile d'olive
  4. 1/2 little spoon of salt
  1. Mix the flour together, the water, olive oil and salt then knead by hand or in a robot fitted with a blade until you obtain a very smooth dough.
  2. Let the dough rest 15 minutes.
  3. Form dough pieces then roll them out thinly.
  4. Cook in a pan without fat 2-3 minutes on each side.
  5. Reserve under a cloth so that the shawarmas do not harden.
aime & mange

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  • LadyMilonguera

    He tells me your Lebanese bread is good…

  • Audrey

    They're so cute!! I didn't think it was so easy to do! It makes me want to get started 🙂

  • CookieM

    I didn't know they were so simple to make and like many, I buy them ready-made ! So with this recipe, Effectively, no more excuses 😉 Thank you.
    Good week

  • laure

    This recipe saves my life! I'm on vacation and I don't have an oven!
    Finally I will be able to make good bread!
    Merci !!!

  • Cecilecooks

    Ah yes, it’s really a very simple and quick recipe.. She makes you want. To be tested as soon as possible !
    And look forward to the recipe that goes with it…suspense

  • Clementine

    I love the photos and the bread, so...not a good life 😉
    Thank you for this delicious recipe (pinned !)

  • Domino

    No eggs, no milk, no butter… phew ^^ Yum thank you ! I’m looking forward to the support 😉

  • Milouze

    Made last week… PARFAIT !
    Thanks for the recipe

  • laetitia

    Thank you for this delicious recipe

  • The Delawares

    These little breads are superb, thank you Émilie, I'm cooking them and I love your blog well done !

  • Cabanas

    Moi, I'm just trying now

  • Mimi

    Bonjour. I've been looking for the REAL recipe for this bread for years ! Thank you so much