Italian apple cake

Gâteau aux pommes

Les pommes sont de retour, et font partie des fruits emblématiques de l’hivermais non ne nous lamentons pas, car l’hiver est une belle saison où l’on prend plaisir à se réchauffer autour d’une bonne tasse de thé. Et quoi de mieux qu’un bon gâteau pour accompagner votre tasse de thé (ou de café, je ne suis pas sectaire) ?! Et cette fois-ci, c’est un bon gâteau aux pommes à l’italienne qui à attiré mon attention, un gâteau au bon goût d’amande grâce à la présence d’amaretti et d’amaretto. And we all know that apple and almond go well together, and I can tell you that Monsieur and I really enjoyed this cake, so I hope you like it !

So let's enjoy winter and prepare a good dessert (oh the pretty rhyme !) !

Gâteau aux pommes

Gâteau aux pommes

Italian apple cake

Ingredients (for a springform pan)

  • 1 kg of apples
  • 150 g cane sugar
  • 150 g of semi-wholemeal flour
  • 120 g of butter
  • 25 cl of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 9 Amaretti biscuits
  • 6 cl d’amaretto
  • 1 baking powder
  • 1 pinch of salt


Preheat the oven to 160°.

Beat the eggs and sugar until the mixture turns white.

Add the flour and yeast then mix. Dilute the mixture, incorporating the milk gradually..

Melt the butter then mix it with the amaretto, book.

Peel and cut the apples into thin slices.

Pour 1/3 of the preparation in a non-stick baking pan. Add on top 1/3 cut apples then 1/3 crushed amaretti. Repeat the operation 2 times then finish by pouring the amaretto butter mixture onto the cake.

Bake 60 minutes.

Gâteau aux pommes

let stand 30 minutes before unmolding then 2 hours in the fridge before enjoying.

Gâteau aux pommes


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  • Fabienne

    Very beautiful cake !!! It looks melting and soft as can be.. Bravo !

  • This cake is very very delicious!

  • I love apple cakes, I could eat it all the time I think. yours looks terrible anyway !

  • Licorice

    Hmm, this cake is very appetizing !!

  • lili

    How appetizing is this cake?!!
    Golden and soft as can be
    I won't be long in doing it :)

  • BoopCook

    this cake must be a marvel !

  • And

    Hum!! a good and beautiful cake ideal for winter!

  • Maelle

    This apple cake is simply beautiful and it must be DELICIOUS ! Kisses

  • Juliette

    Uh… I really want your cake with its almond taste but I think I'll wait a little before starting the desserts again. We're going to let the body breathe a little ! But I take note !!!

  • Rosenoisettes

    It doesn’t have to be bad as they say :)

  • LadyMilonguera

    How appetizing is your cake? !

  • To the chef

    Yum !! A very appetizing recipe !!

  • It looks delicious!

  • Laurence

    I take advantage of this pretty cake to send you all my best wishes, girls., to you and your little family **
    See you soon. Gourmet kisses !!

  • Laurence

    But my com has disappeared my word ! 🙁
    I was saying … ! I take advantage of this beautiful cake to send you all my best wishes, girls., to you and your families **
    Gourmet kisses. See you soon !

  • Karine de Patio'nment kitchen

    Hello girls,

    I came across your blog by chance while searching for current recipes on “recipe” and I saw the photo of your apple cake which said magic to me, eat me!… I wanted to congratulate you because your blog is a real gold mine., a delight for the eyes first of all and certainly for the taste buds afterwards! I don't even know which recipe to choose anymore because they all tempt me… Brief! continue to delight us like this I put your blog in my favorites so I don't miss anything
    Reunion Biz

    • Emilie

      Hi Karine,
      Thank you very much for this message. It's always nice to inspire people who come across us…
      We hope to bring a little sweetness to your plates…

  • Rakabulle

    I enjoy all your recipes & photos, continue accordingly !

  • Alison

    Hmm, that makes me really want to bite into it! 🙂


    I'm going to put this recipe aside and have it ready shortly., our choir welcomes chorister friends from Corsica and Champsaur, I am sure she will be successful
    thanks for sharing.

    • Emilie

      Oh super, I'm sure this cake will please everyone, he is really very good !
      Merci !

  • Migloux

    Bonjour, what type of yeast do you use ? Baker's yeast or baking powder ? Thank you in advance for your response.

  • Leclercq

    What diameter of the mold is needed to make this recipe because I have 3 sizes .
    Thank you

    • Emilie

      Bonjour, my mold to miss made 26 cm 😉