“The Incredible Hulk” Kale Green Smoothie

Green smoothie

Cela fait à peine 1 mois que je me suis mise au green smoothie et j’en suis complétement folle. So yes, le green smoothie ça n’est pas nouveau-nouveau, mais pour moi si alors je tiens quand même à partager avec vous ma recette chouchoue du moment. Le kale refait son apparition sur les étals du marché alors j’en ai profité pour le réduire en bouillie smoothie ! Nothing too complicated in this recipe, on a juste à tout mixer ensemble, enfin il faut juste quand même éplucher la banane et le pamplemousse sinon je ne réponds plus de rien (indigestion, goût douteux…!). 4 ingredients for this incredible Hulk (yes I am very proud of his little name !!!), which gives a well-balanced smoothie between sweetness and slight bitterness that can be drunk on its own (Well, it’s just an expression, huh? !). Well don't worry I didn't eat clown this morning, it's just this rotten weather that pushes me to joke (nothing ?!).

SO, mon green smoothie, you adopt it (I promise he's nice !) ?!

recette de Green smoothie

Green smoothie kale

Green smoothie au kale "the incredible hulk"
Pour 1 glass
To print
  1. 3 branches de chou kale
  2. 1 grapefruit
  3. 1 banana
  4. 1 apple
  1. Wash the kale and remove the central vein from each branch.
  2. Peel the grapefruit and banana and cut them into pieces.
  3. Cut the apple into quarters and remove the core.
  4. Place all the fruit in the blender and blend until smooth. (add a little water to help start if necessary).
  5. Filter the Chinese smoothie according to your taste and enjoy !
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/
Green smoothie recette


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  • Well

    Hello Emilie, your green smoothie recipe looks great, I have never tried kale, It doesn't taste too bitter when eaten raw compared to spinach or arugula. ?
    And where do you find it ? No matter how hard I look at naturalia, cinema c’ bon, … but impossible to find 🙁

    • Emilie

      So no, it doesn't have a very strong cabbage taste. ! I found some at Naturalia last time, otherwise on the producer side at the Estacade market on Fridays or at the biocoop sometimes !

      • Well

        Thank you for this recipe, I tested and in fact the cabbage is not strong at all contrary to what I thought. I finally found the kale at the hive that says yes near me

        • Emilie

          Ah cool to have found some, it’s true that bitterness hides that a little !

  • Sandrine

    Bonjour !
    I too am discovering green juices with kale and it’s…surprising 😉
    Petite question : blender or juice extractor ?
    Thank you for sharing your experiences with us !!

    • Emilie

      Yes I love it too it’s really great. So I make it in a blender and then pass it through a sieve but if you have a juice extractor it's even better !

  • Cecilecooks

    I really like the little name you gave it ! As long as your smoothie doesn't turn us into the Hulk ourselves, I am very very keen to taste it.

    • Emilie

      Thank you Cecile, I make it a point to find a name for all my smoothies !!!

  • CookieM

    It's neither its name nor its color that scares me… but the cabbage !!
    Kale or not : I don’t feel like an adventurer 😉
    If one day I take the plunge… this recipe will be useful to me.

    • Emilie

      But you have to take the plunge;) I started with kale and continued with chard and spinach. !

  • Hello !

    I don't think I'll make your recipe, I'm not a fan of grapefruit, but I am also in the process of discovering green smoothies ! I put green shoots (de kale, spinach…) with 1-2 fruits, cashew nuts, white blackberries, coconut water… my my my my !

    • Emilie

      Yes, what’s good about the green smoothie is that you can vary it !

  • Foodbiotic

    Today I will leave the internet less uneducated, I discovered kale ! No joke 🙂
    In any case, seeing these smoothie stories.