Vanilla candied kumquats

Nous sommes en plein dans la saison des kumquats et si vous êtes comme moi, vous ne savez jamais trop quoi faire de ce petit agrume pourtant si mignon. Dans deux jours c’est la chandeleur, of the recettes de crèpes there are quite a few around here, alors je me suis dis qu’une recette de kumquats confits pour accompagner les crèpes serait parfaite ! So yes, je ne vais pas vous le cacher (vous le savez d’ailleurs sûrement), mais les fruits confits demandent de la patience, c’est long à faire mais il n’y a rien de bien compliqué et on a juste besoin d’une casserole et son couvercle. At the end of 4 jours les kumquats deviennent
small translucent sweet candies, as beautiful as they are good !
Candied kumquats can be combined with quite a few recipes, with crepes, In a cake, on a chocolate tart, on a semolina pudding or more simply to accompany your yogurt. And what about the cooking syrup?, it will be perfect for soaking a cake, don't throw it away !

Vanilla candied kumquats
- 500 g of organic kumquats
- 600 g cane sugar
- 1 liter of water
- 1 vanilla pod
- Wash and remove the kumquat stems.
- Pierce them with small holes using a skewer.
- Add the kumquats, sugar, water and vanilla scraped into a saucepan.
- Bring to a boil for 10 minutes stirring so that the sugar dissolves.
- Remove from heat, cover and let rest 24 hour.
- At the end of 24 h, remove the lid and bring to a low boil 10 minutes. Remove from heat and cover. Leave to rest for 24 hours.
- Repeat the operation again 2 times.
- Put the preparation in a jar and keep cool.

4.2.13Good evening, I have a question about your recipe, not being an outstanding cook but having decided not to throw the kumquats in the trash because no one in the family likes them I told myself that I would find a great recipe as usual on your site, and here I found this one, but I'm letting it cook over low heat so that it reduces but I have a big question !? Do I preserve the kumquats with the syrup? ( what would make sense to me ) or without ?? ( which apparently makes sense for my cook ^^ since it’s candied fruit…)
Thank you in advance if you can answer this evening I have left 20 minutes 🙂 if I ever left my email in contact !
And in any case thank you for the recipe it’s impeccable, I have the same thing as you !
Good evening
5.2.13Sorry Charloo for the late response but you are right, they must be preserved well with the syrup.
Thank you and have a nice day !
5.2.13Carefree, that's great !!! I let it sit in the pan overnight and put it in a jar in the fridge a little later., and I, who didn't like kumquat because of its bitterness, loved it, It’s sooo good, it looks like little oranges in syrup and vanilla, in short, a delight, I'm even considering possibly buying some again to complement my wife's desserts when there are guests ^^ you got me into the kitchen, In any case, thank you for your recipe and your advice. !
Best wishes, bye
6.2.13Thank you very much for this great feedback, It makes me really happy 😀
To use them after refrigeration, you can reheat them slightly to thin the syrup !
Thanks again and good luck to you.
15.2.13I will try this recipe !! I have had a shrub since 5 years full of these little fruits ! not knowing what to do with it !!!! I buy the vanilla and go !!!!!
15.2.13Awesome ! You will see, you won't be able to do without it !!!
Sabrina from Coco Cinnamon
9.5.14Ahhh I know someone who will be happy if I make this recipe for her : mom is a fan of kumquats 😉
9.5.14Oh awesome, enough to prepare a little pot for Mother's Day coming up !
27.9.20hello I would be interested but my kumquats are full of seeds! you make comments ?merci
8.10.20Hello Patricia, in fact either we open them in half before cooking and remove the seeds, either we leave them whole and remove them when tasting, to see, I prefer the second option !
5.1.21Hello, sorry, I have some doubts., once everything is finished,(los 4 boiled from 10 minutes) Remove the kumquats from the syrup and let them dry.? or they are stored in jars with the syrup, another little thing, I'm not very clear about the ingredients, it puts this on the website 1 liter & rsquo; Water, I guess it will be a liter and a half of water, gracias, greetings, good year.
7.1.21Bonjour, kumquats can be preserved in their cooking syrup in a jar. I personally keep them in the fridge 🙂