Raw homemade spread

Pâte à tartiner maison

Je ne suis pas à mon premier essai de pâte à tartiner maison, j’avais déjà réaliser une version classique ici, mais cette fois-ci c’est une pâte à tartiner crue que je vous propose. Oui car j’ai découvert il y a peu (ok ok, 2 siècles après tous le monde !!!) les joies du cacao cru. Ce que je peux vous dire c’est que c’est juste une tuerie ce truc là, et que quand on y a gouté, difficile de s’en passer. Au passage j’en ai fait quelques autres recettes que je vous dévoilerais prochainement, oui car avant les fêtes on ne mange jamais assez de chocolat !!!

Back on topic, because after having made a tour of hazelnut puree, I immediately decided to make homemade spread (yes because otherwise it’s not even worth thinking about it) and that for the greatest pleasure of… myself and Mister too ! Well the pot didn't last long, and this “healthier” version of the spread has nothing to envy of Nutella ! Well and then frankly between us, It’s still not very complicated to do !

Recette Pâte à tartiner maison

Pâte à tartiner maison

Raw homemade spread
Pour 1 pot
To print
  1. 250 g of homemade hazelnut puree
  2. 2 tablespoons of raw cocoa
  3. 4 tablespoons of hazelnut oil
  4. 50 g of agave syrup
  1. Mix all the ingredients together to make the spread..
  2. Jar and enjoy.
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/
  Pâte à tartiner maison


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  • velvet red

    This spread recipe really appeals to me.! I love hazelnuts!
    Thank you Emily!

    • Emilie

      Oh cool, I see that I am not the only fan of hazelnuts !!!

  • BoopCook

    this recipe is perfect !

    • Emilie

      Thank you Matilda 😉

    • Virginia

      Bonjour, thank you for this delicious recipe ! I just made it but when putting it away, I wonder if I should put it in the fridge or in a cupboard !???
      Could you enlighten me ?
      In advance, Merci
      Good evening

      • Emilie

        You can easily store it in a cupboard away from light 🙂
        Good Sunday !

  • Delight

    I love this version of the spread, so much more delicious and so much healthier

  • Pauline

    Mmmh that looks delicious to me !
    I must come from another century but I didn't know raw cocoa !

    • Emilie

      But no don't worry !!! But it’s already been making the rounds on the “Healthy” blog quite a bit lately 😉

  • Your hazelnut puree, you make it or you buy it?

    • Emilie

      I make it at home but it also works with good store-bought puree. !

  • A

    Super interesting recipe! :)) An idea of ​​the shelf life of such dough? (even if I have no doubt that the pot will disappear quickly^^)

    • Emilie

      Thank you so much ! Yes the dough can be stored easily 3 weeks !

  • Jin-chan

    Me who likes to bust my butt buying chocolate bars, I will just have to take some cocoa powder hohoho, thank you very much~

  • Chloé

    Mine cooked! I mixed everything with Vitamix but the dough did not set.. And after a while, it turned out 🙁 I should point out that it was homemade hazelnut butter (a little too hard perhaps). Any idea what I did wrong?

    • Emilie

      So there Chloé I dry up, I don't see what could have happened !

  • Olivier

    Bonjour, thank you for this recipe 🙂

    Little Hic’ it’s the price of hazelnuts anyway … I find them at around €8 for the quantity prescribed in the recipe ^^ (mashed)
    Perhaps you know some little tips for obtaining ingredients at a lower cost. ?

    Thanks in advance

    • Emilie

      The rac ! But it’s true that the price of dried fruits has exploded this year. !