Grandma's Baked Apples

Pommes au four

La pomme fait tellement partie de notre quotidien, qu’on oublie à quel point elle est savoureuse et pleine de ressources. Je vous propose donc un classique de nos cuisines, la pomme au four. But the, c’est une recette de grand-mère que je vous dévoile, avec du bon miel de montagne et du rhum brun à l’intérieur(gourmandes ces mamies !!!) ! Monsieur et les fruits crus (surtout la pomme) ça ne fait pas bon ménage, alors les pommes au four c’est plus qu’un grand classique à la maison, c’est un de nos desserts chouchou de cette saison et on adore. Simple and efficient, a dessert as I like them !

To be served with good homemade shortbread, just for the pleasure of crumble them on top and bring a touch of crispiness to your cooked apples. But if you don't have the courage, they do not have to be ashamed to be served as they are !!!

Pommes au four

Pommes au four

And you, what is your grandma's favorite dessert ?! I'm sure you have at least one…

Grandma's Baked Apples
Pour 4 apples
To print
  1. 4 apples ( bush type)
  2. 2 tablespoons of mountain honey
  3. 4 teaspoons dark rum
  4. 4 butter flakes
  5. homemade shortbread (optional)
  1. Preheat the oven to 180°.
  2. Wash and core the apples with an apple corer and place them in a baking dish.
  3. Add successively in the hole formed in the center of the apples, honey and rum.
  4. Finish by adding the shavings of butter.
  5. Bake 35 minutes.
aime & mange
Pommes au four

Pommes au four

And There you go, it's quite simple… Enjoy hot, warm or cold with some crumbled shortbread if you like.


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  • argon

    It's one of my favorite desserts too. … so simple … and so good !

  • cookparadise

    If I weren't feverish and in poor shape, I would be tempted.

    I wish you a beautiful late afternoon


  • Marie

    Delicious and so simple ! I should think about it more often 🙂

  • It's too tempting!


  • ladymilonguera

    Eating apples under these conditions, it's nice !

  • BoopCook

    I adore ! Beautiful picture, succulent ce dessert =P

  • mmmm my

  • Lolotte

    They look so good, j’en fait rarement et pourtant j’adore ça!

  • Ca me rappelle ma mamie qui adorait nous cuisiner ça (petite minute nostalgie !)
    Du coup merci les filles pour m’avoir rappelé avec votre dessert de bien jolis moments !

    • Emilie

      Oh merci beaucoup à toi, tu va me faire verser ma petite larme !

  • Marie

    C’est drôle, j’en mange très souvent en ce moment (parfait pour le temps très froid).
    Par contre je ne mets pas de rhum, mais pour le weekend j’y penserai. 😉

  • mariechoupette

    Reblogged this on ON MY WAY and commented:
    I’m sorry guys, this article is in French but I couldn’t help myself ‘reblogingit. This recipe is one of my grandma’s favorite and most successful !!!!
    I hope you’re going to LOVE it as much as I do!!!!

  • I'm a big fan of baked apples I've never tried with rum and honey before, I absolutely have to try this !!
    have a nice week end,

  • veropapilles

    Moi, i love apples ! We can cook them in all the dishes, in all sauces and it's always very good. A nice updated recipe that I really like. Greetings and have a nice weekend. Vero

  • A very pretty rustic recipe, traditional and gourmet as you wish 😉 Once again, your photos are beautiful and mouth watering… bravo ^^ kisses kisses

  • Natalie

    What clichés ! Merci !

  • immediately seen on your blog immediately tested !! I just replaced the rum with a little bit of sugar water to eat with the children and a spoon of whipped cream on the side made it a very gourmet dessert
    Thank you for sharing !


    Hello Emily ! It's a fabulous , tasty recipe that I practice often without getting tired of it ! More ….I have more
    a little secret that I will confide to you , since we are between us ! To hollow out the heart of the apple I do
    like you , but I don't push all the way through the apple . I stop at 1,5 Cm from the bottom and with a small, very fine paring knife that I insert at this height on the side of the apple and which will cut the cork of the
    coeur . I end up with a non-through hole ! Yum , yum in this cavity , butter , honey , the rum
    will get to know each other for the best …not for the worse !! However , I brush the apples on the outside with
    brush with a little melted butter and a little brown sugar that will stick to the butter . Re-my-my . Uncle Yves at
    Brive-la-Gaillarde .

    • Emilie

      Oh yes what a great tip, thank you yves !!!

  • Michele-Marie

    The indicated cooking time is really too short.. I had to leave my 3 apples at least 1 hour at 180°. It would be better to indicate 35 mn to 1h depending on the variety of apple. Or, recommend covering the dish with aluminum foil to retain the cooking steam.

    • Emilie

      Hello Michele-Marie.
      Cooking time given is good., maybe you did not use a cooking variety or a new variety, this is why I indicate a specific variety.
      I hope the apples were good anyway !
      See you soon !

  • Becq

    I ate it often in my childhood, with brown sugar, a delight!

  • Orianne

    I made this recipe … and it was delicious !!! Keep writing your recipes Emilie !! Kisses ♥♥♥

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Orianne, I'm glad you liked it ^-^

  • Astrid

    Bonjour, I'm taking part in the pass-through culinary challenge with friends, I chose this recipe which inspired me well and which corresponds well to the theme. I enjoyed myself with so much simplicity! Merci

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Astrid, I'm glad you liked this recipe 😉

  • grove

    hello bald smile will prepare the recipe for noon,I keep you posted.

  • Minouchka

    A pure delight for the taste buds ,I adore,Thank you for sharing

  • Minouchka

    And for tt vs say my favorite dessert is rice pudding,grandma's recipe, with liquid cream and whole raw milk,with homemade caramel on top,not very dietetic it is true corn so good!!!!!my my

  • It's a bed

    Bonjour. I often bake apples with honey. So this recipe with rum tempted me and I tried it. Success with my guests who greatly appreciated. On the other hand, I don't really like it with rum.. But hey, as they say, there’s something for everyone..