Celeriac salad, Labyrinth, olives and grapes

Salade de céleri

Dimanche dernier, Monsieur est allé tout seul au marché car il pleuvait et mon envie de sortir était proche de zéro (là vous vous dites j’ai un homme adorable, et c’est vrai). Je lui avais dit de me prendre un peu de céleri car j’avais prévu de faire un couscous, mais il est revenu avec une botte entière et pas une petite botte ! Nous ne sommes pas du tout habitué à manger du céleri branche à la maison, il a donc fallu que je me creuse la tête pour savoir ce que j’allais bien pouvoir en faire. Without much conviction I decided to steam it, and there was the revelation, it's too good (I even almost devoured everything like that before making the salad !). Brief, don't run away from celery like the plague because I'm sure you might be surprised. With labneh, grapes and olives, this celery salad is killer (And I weigh my words !). As for the dried labneh in balls, I discovered this the other day in my favorite oriental grocery store, I tested goat's milk and it's really good but if you ever don't know where to find it, you can replace it with fresh goat cheese.

Well, I'll stop chatting a bit and hope to reconcile you with this vegetable that only asks to be loved. !

Salade de céleri recette

recette de salade de céleri

Celeriac salad, Labyrinth, olives and grapes
Pour 4 people
To print
  1. 1 bunch of celery stalk
  2. 4 labné balls or, failing that, fresh goat cheese
  3. Olives (ici Kalamata)
  4. 1 bunch of white grapes
  5. Olive oil
  6. The juice of half a lemon (optional)
  1. Cut the celery stalk into sections of approximately 5 cm (keep the leaves) and steam it all 15-20 minutes. Let cool.
  2. Finely chop the celery leaves.
  3. Cut the grapes in half and the labneh into pieces.
  4. Mix all the ingredients together and serve with a drizzle of olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice.
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/
Salade de céleri branche

Salade de céleri


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  • Chestnut

    Hey, I was just wondering what I was going to do tonight with my celery branch ^^ good idea !

  • Once, when I was bothered like you, I cut a few branches in a big tomato sauce… Very good too, I start again often ! Thank you for discovering the labneh 🙂 Kisses !

    • Emilie

      YES I also put it in my tomato sauces or in my risotto 🙂

  • SophieV

    This Sunday, I made this recipe with what was available in my little village, i.e. I replaced the kalamata olives with green olives and the labné with feta, and I had fun. I think to put it often in my winter menus, and even for festive meals.

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Sophie for this delicious feedback, I'm sure it was perfect