Rustic blackberry tartlet {without milk}

Tartelette rustique aux mûres

Ah la cueillette des mûreschez nous ça va souvent de paire avec la cueillette des champignons, comme la dernière fois où j’en ai ramassé un beau panier pour faire ma tarte aux figues et aux mûres. Pour ces tartelettes rustiques aux mûres, point de cueillette (oui ce jour là le temps n’était pas vraiment de la partie) mais des mûres du marché. Comme les mûres ici on aime tous ça (comme tous les petits fruits d’ailleurs), je les ai rapidement subtilisé pour en faire ces tartelettes avant que tout ne soit dévoré ! J’adore les tartelettes rustique, no hassle because no mold is needed and it’s quickly done well done ! I made them with plain flour but you are free to choose what you prefer., you can just as easily replace part of the flour (50 g) with almond powder for more deliciousness (I say that, I say nothing !).

In short, perfect tartlets for snack time (That’s good, it’s already time !) with a good tea/coffee/cappuccino/latte/hot chocolate…

Tartelette rustique aux mûres {sans lait}

Recette de tartelette rustique aux mûres

Rustic blackberry tartlet {without milk}
Pour 6 tartlets
To print
  1. 400 g blackberries
  2. 3 tablespoons cane sugar
  4. 250 g semi-whole wheat flour
  5. 125 g vegetable margarine
  6. 60 g cane sugar
  7. 1 egg
  8. 1 pinch of salt
  1. To prepare your sweet dough, work the margarine and sugar by hand or with a mixer fitted with a blade. Then add the whole egg and work the mixture again. Add the flour and salt all at once and mix until you get a smooth batter.. Form a ball and refrigerate 30 minutes.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200°.
  3. Separate the dough into 6 pieces of dough then spread them in a round on 3-4 mm thick.
  4. Wash the blackberries then mix them with the sugar then distribute them over the pasta, leaving free 3 cm on the edges.
  5. Fold the edges of the dough over the blackberries then place the tartlets on a baking tray.
  6. Bake 15-18 minutes.
aime & mange
  Tartelette rustique aux mûres recette

Tartelette rustique aux mûres

Tartelette rustique aux mûres recette

Tartelette aux mûres


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  • Mademoisellevi

    I couldn't be happier with this recipe.
    No extra milk, me who no longer drinks it is perfect !
    They really make you want ! <3

  • I agree with you, it's great

  • Camille

    These little tartlets look delicious and I love blackberries, thank you for this recipe. !!!

    Full of kisses.


  • Audrey

    Petite, there was a mulberry tree near my house and I ate tons of it!! So I never had the reflex to buy one.! But your tartlets make me want it so much that I could make an exception 😀 your photos are always (And more and more) sublime! I always look forward to receiving and opening my little “newsletter” 😀

    • Emilie

      Ah yes it’s true that having a mulberry tree on hand is the best !!!
      Thank you very much for your adorable little note 😉