Kohlrabi carpaccio with sesame sauce {vegan – sans gluten}

recette chou-rave

Pour tout vous avouer, le chou-rave est un légume que j’avais un peu délaissé au marché ces dernières années, mais comme je suis curieuse j’ai eu envie de le re-découvrir ! Et quoi de mieux que de le manger cru, et ça tombe bien parce qu’en ce moment on a pas trop envie d’allumer son four, on vit déjà dedans !!! Donc me voici avec mon chou rave et la grosse révélation a été de le manger cru en carpaccio, pour garder son coté hyper croquant (comme le navet nouveau !). To accompany this carpaccio of kohlrabi I have prepared a sauce with small onions, finally it is an expression, hein, because actually the sauce is more sesame/ginger !!!

In short, a very fresh entry,

which we never get tired of at home (so it became a basic, as new turnip carpaccio et fennel salad !). A little advice if you don't know kohlrabi, choose it not too big, it will only be more tender (and tenderness is important !). And then if you don't have a mandolin to cut it all, try to do your best to make the slices not too thick (it will be much easier to eat !).

chou-rave cru
kohlrabi salad

Kohlrabi carpaccio with sesame sauce {vegan – sans gluten}


  • 2 choux-raves (purple or white)
  • chives


  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon of rice vinegar
  • 1 inch of grated ginger
  • 2 teaspoons of sesame seeds
  • Peel then cut the kohlrabi into thin strips with a knife or a mandolin.
  • Arrange the slices nicely in a dish.
  • Chop chives and take chive flowers if you have them.
  • For the sauce, mix together, soy sauce, sesame oil, rice vinegar and sesame seeds. Grate the ginger and add it to the sauce.
  • Pour the sauce over the kohlrabi then add the chopped chives and chive flowers.
  • Taste immediately or the kohlrabi will tend to lose its crunch !
kohlrabi salad

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