Whole pie crust {vegan}
Je réalise (presque) tout le temps mes pâtes à tarte moi-même et j’adore varier… Je vous ai déjà proposé plusieurs versions autant salées que sucrées comme celles sans gluten à la farine de maïs, à la farine de pois-chiches et au sarrasin, as la complète aux flocons d’avoine ou encore les versions sucrée ici, ici or ici !
So there is something to be done, you tell me, and you are right, but I have never written any articles strictly speaking on the issue.. So here is a vegan pie crust base, to use as you wish, and to adapt with your favorite flours (life is not beautiful ?!) !
Whole pie crust {vegan}
Ingredients (pour 1 tarte)
- 150 g of wholemeal rye flour
- 50 g whole wheat flour
- 8 key of water
- 5 c. to s. vegetable oil
- 1 g de sel
- 2 c. to s. cane sugar (if sweet pie crust)
To make the dough, mix together the dry ingredients then add the oil.
Sand the dough with your fingertips then add water gradually. Work the dough to form a homogeneous mixture.
Form a ball and let rest 1 cool hour. Get out 15 minutes before spreading it.
26.6.13A great idea to vary the pasta, and then wholemeal flour is much better.
9.1.15Merci ! It was very successful !
I started pizza dough !
Thanks again 🙂
11.1.15Thank you Alessandra it’s great 😉
Lactose Free Cooking
26.6.13I usually buy frozen pasta., but of course it's better to make them at home. I will try this recipe soon! Thanks for sharing.
26.6.13It's awesome, merci!
29.6.13Good evening, I always make my pie crusts with wholemeal flour.. It's much better for your health. Sincerely, Katy
Lactose Free Cooking
5.7.13I tried this recipe and it's great!
6.7.13Oh thank you very much 😉
Petra Hodge
16.7.13Hi coming fom the UK what is d’eau and de sel ? I would love to make this pastry but some American ingreidients I don’t know what they are in the UK. Thank you Petra
17.7.13That simply water (eau) and salt (sel).
Thank you Petra for your compliments 😉
can you tell me the T (type of rye flour) that you use T130 T170 ?
for wheat flour I know it’s T150
25.6.20Hello Gisele, I use T130 for rye in cooking 😉