Roasted sweet potato salad, lentils and pomegranate

Salade de patate douce

S’il y a bien un légume que je ne cuisine pas très souvent c’est bien la patate douce mais je me soigne car mon producteur de légumes a décidé d’en produire pas mal cette année. Comme je sais que vous êtes nombreux à aimer les frites de patate douce, je ne vous ai pas cuisiner ça mais une salade de patate douce (pas très claire cette fille !). Oui, une bonne salade complète avec des lentilles et de la grenade, parfaite pour vos lunch box les filles (ou les garçons !) ou pour un diner léger. Pas très compliqué à réaliser, this little recipe just gives you ideas to change a bit from the traditional pasta or rice salad which I'm pretty sure you're a little tired of ! And then the lenses when we look a little at the question, it’s just super good for us and super tasty (Finally I love it so I'm not really objective !), and if you want to change a little, two other lentil salad recipes are waiting for you ici et ici !

Come on, in the kitchen !

Salade de patate douce recette

Recette de salade de patate douce

Roasted sweet potato salad, lentils and pomegranate
Pour 4 people
To print
  1. 200 g green Puy lentils
  2. 2 Sweet potatoes
  3. 1 grenade
  4. 1/2 bunch of flat-leaf parsley
  5. Olive oil
  6. 1 tablespoon smoked paprika
  7. The juice of half a lemon
  8. You sell
  1. Preheat the oven to 200°.
  2. Peel and cut the sweet potatoes into cubes, place on a baking sheet and add a drizzle of olive oil and the smoked paprika. Bake 15-20 minutes.
  3. Cook the green lentils 20 minutes in salted boiling water. Drain and let cool.
  4. Separate the pomegranate seeds.
  5. Chop the parsley.
  6. Mix the lentils together, sweet potato cubes, parsley and pomegranate seeds.
  7. Add a drizzle of olive oil and lemon juice to season.
aime & mange
Salade de patate douce rôtie


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  • Mathilde

    This recipe looks delicious ! I have just discovered your blog but I am delighted to discover that you too offer vegan recipes which are also really appealing !

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you Matilda, I'm glad you like my universe 😉

  • in his voice

    But what a great idea ! I will finally be able to change from the eternal sweet potato coconut curry.

  • J’aime ! What beautiful colors, it makes you want 🙂

  • Make me bite !

    Pretty colors and pretty scents !

  • Clementine

    You're right, this is exactly the kind of recipe I like for my lunchboxes, story of not having a little peck in the afternoon…

    • Emilie

      Ahah yes because it's true that it's not terrible to be hungry in the middle of the afternoon 😉