Tempeh sweet and sour sauce with pineapple {vegan – sans gluten}

Tempeh sauce aigre douce

Aujourd’hui c’est le Nouvel An chinois, nous rentrons dans l’année du coq alors pour fêter ça aujourd’hui on mange chinois ! Vous connaissez tous une recette aigre douce à l’ananas (je suppose non végétarienne) et bien cette année je vous ai concocté du tempeh sauce aigre douce, un recette vegan et sans gluten. Je peux vous dire que ce petit plat est à tomber, le tempeh frit est croquant à souhait et la sauce avec l’ananas vient apporter une pointe d’acidité et de sucré vraiment délicieuse (I just made the recipe this afternoon and we devoured everything !). You can use canned pineapple for this recipe but it's high season for fresh pineapple so it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. !

So if you hadn't planned to eat Chinese this weekend you now have no more excuses, especially considering the simplicity of the recipe, in addition you will even have a little time to make good Spring Rolls at the entrance and coconut milk tapioca a dessert !

Tempeh recette

Tempeh ananas

Tempeh sauce aigre douce à l'ananas {vegan - sans gluten}
Pour 4 people
To print
  1. 200 g the tempeh
  2. 1/4 a large pineapple
  3. 10 key of water
  4. 150 grams of sugar
  5. 12 cl of white rice vinegar
  6. 1 tablespoon of tomato puree
  7. 1 small onion
  8. 1 inch of crushed fresh ginger.
  9. 3 level tablespoons of cornstarch
  10. Salt and pepper
  11. neutral vegetable oil
  1. In a wok, drizzle with oil and heat over high heat, cut the tempeh into pieces and fry it with salt and pepper for 3-4 minutes so that it is golden brown. Drain and keep warm.
  2. Chop the onion into small cubes then sauté in the wok over medium heat 4-5 minutes and adding a little oil if necessary.
  3. Then add the chopped pineapple, the water, sugar, the vinegar, tomato puree and ginger. Mix well to dissolve the sugar and simmer gently 5 minutes.
  4. Dissolve the cornstarch in a little water then add it to the sauce, stir well. At the first broth remove from heat.
  5. Serve the tempeh topped with sauce with a bowl of rice.
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/
  recette de Tempeh sauce aigre douce


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