Salted butter caramel heart chocolate cake

  Moelleux au chocolat coeur caramel

Moelleux au chocolat coeur caramel

Ce moelleux est à tomber par terreen même temps, du chocolat associé à du caramel au beurre salé ça ne peut être qu’une petite bombe calorique !!! SO, si vous êtes gourmand(e)s comme moi, vous ne pouvez que succomber devant ce moelleux au chocolat cœur caramel au beurre salé (perso je suis une fille faible alors…) ! De quoi bien satisfaire une envie de chocolat, bah oui les envies ça ne se contrôle pas ! Bon et comme tout est vraiment meilleur fait maison, it is necessary without hesitation to carry it out with homemade salted butter caramel.

And then I don't know you, but me my great pleasure is to attack with my spoon and to see the heart sink (yes there is some it is with the spoon but on the crèmes brulées it seems !)… gluttony when you hold us !

Moelleux au chocolat coeur caramel au beurre salé

And why not test this softness with a heart of spread or a heart of raspberry, the recipesici et ici !

Chocolate cake with salted butter caramel heart
Pour 6 soft
To print
  1. 100 g good dark chocolate
  2. 100 g of butter
  3. 80 g icing sugar
  4. 50 g of flour
  5. 2 eggs
  6. Chilled salted butter caramel
  1. Preheat the oven to 210°.
  2. Melt the butter and chocolate together in a bain-marie or in the microwave..
  3. In a salad bowl, beat the eggs then add the butter-chocolate mixture and stir. Then add the icing sugar and flour to the mixture.
  4. Distribute the preparation in buttered molds up to half and add a good teaspoon of very cold salted butter caramel.. Then fill with the rest of the preparation.
  5. Bake 10 min.
  6. Unmold out of the oven.
  7. You can also keep the preparation cool until the time to use it and cook it..
aime & mange
Moelleux au chocolat coeur caramel

Taste without delay !


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  • Yum, that looks delicious ! (en même temps, chocolate and salted butter caramel…a perfect alliance !) 🙂
    A few days ago, I did the reverse recipe., a salted butter caramel cake with a flowing chocolate center, it changes but it's also good ! 🙂


    • Mouyade-Andre Maelle

      It was my mom who gave me the address of this blog because I am a fan of pastry (and tasty too!!!)
      Here, I tested the chocolate-brown cakes, a true delight!
      As a result, I put it back with the chocolate fondant- salted butter caramel.
      Thanks for these easy recipes. (I have 10 ans) and the photos that make you want too much!!!!

      • Emilie

        Hello Maelle ! Thank you for this nice message and a big kiss to your mom !!!
        I hope you find other recipes that you like.…
        I have a lot of moist orange cake and apple cake, hazelnut and milk jam.
        See you soon 😉

  • Emilie

    Very good idea the salted butter caramel cake and flowing chocolate heart. It gives me ideas for next time..

  • afroriental

    Yum, I'm drooling in advance. Can't wait to try this recipe.

  • Sandrine

    Arf, the slaughter !
    Your photo is outrageously delicious 🙂

    • Emilie

      Thank you Sandrine ! Indeed it is a killer …!

  • Yum !!!!

  • Claudio

    How do you put the caramel?????

    • Emilie

      Sorry, I just saw the problem !!! I fix that.
      In fact you fill the preparation halfway, you put a teaspoon of salted butter caramel and you cover with preparation !!!

  • Morgan

    Oulalalala but I had not seen this fondant… A massacre !

  • clemhus

    This fluffy is now part of my classic!!! they are too good…
    Personally, I make the recipe with semi-salted butter or salt crystals, it gives a little boost to the chocolate!
    Anyway, thank you very much for these great ideas.!!!

    • Emilie

      Oh a thousand thanks clemhus for this return, I'm glad you like it 😀

  • marina

    I can't unmold everything is falling apart !!!!!!!!

    • Emilie

      Sorry for this bad experience ! Perso, I make them in non-stick muffin tins that I butter until halfway ! Otherwise if they are recalcitrant why not taste them in the mold !

  • Severine

    I tried this recipe yesterday 14 friends, and it was a success! The last comment scared me a little so I left them 5′ more in the oven but the next I will make the recipe as it is to see the difference.
    Anyway, thank you for this delicious recipe.!!

    • Emilie

      Thank you Séverine for this great feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed it and I'm sorry you couldn't try the original recipe !
      Anyway thank you 😉

  • Grandmother

    I made the recipe 2 times but each time the caramel "mud" how to correct that?

    • Emilie

      That's to say ? In theory, the caramel in the center heats up at the same time as the rest of the softness, to flow with the chocolate when tasting.

      • Grandmother

        The caramel overflows and bubbles on and around the cake as if mixing with the dough. Suddenly no melting heart…

        • Emilie

          You only have to put a small teaspoon and cover the caramel with the paste to avoid this.

  • Lili

    Better than the Picard ones (which are for me a reference of the time when…) no doubt ! I passed on to my sister, she will have fun (as for me, I have to wait until my hens deign to lay again or I put a vegan version in place). Kisses kisses xx

    • Emilie

      Lol…thank you miss 😉 Ah yes, can't wait for your chickens to lay or why not a tofu version ?!
      Full kisses

  • Rachel Guionie

    can i use a paper cupcake mold?
    thank you in advance 😉

    • Emilie

      Not really because it will stick and make the rendering blah blah, it is better to butter a muffin type mold.

  • Louis Heir

    Bonjour !

    I made these little treats today. I was actually doing some tests because I'm going to serve them in a gourmet café for the Christmas menu that I'm currently preparing..
    I have several comments and questions… I would like to achieve a perfect job.
    My caramel got a little diluted in the chocolate, despite having put them in the fridge right away.
    What cooking method do you use? ?( sec, turning...? )
    Can I prepare my fondants, cook them then freeze them so that you only have to reheat them for 30 seconds in the microwave when ready to serve? Compared to this, do you have any specific advice??
    Is not it + interesting to add the caramel to the syringe , to be certain that it is in the center, and does not leak from above or below ?
    Thanks in advance…Chef Loulou

    • Emilie

      Hello Luis !

      To answer you I think you have to refrigerate your caramel before integrating it in the middle of the soft, it will thus be harder and colder and will “hold” better if that is your concern !
      I use the convection mode.
      As for freezing why not, I have never tested so I think you have to do some tests before to see how it reacts !
      Good evening !

      • Severine

        I too wanted to freeze the fondants. As a result, I'm curious if it worked ! 😉
        And I was asking myself… many suggest putting the caramel to cool in the freezer but in this case, I couldn't freeze them whole afterwards. ?
        Thanks in advance and have a great day !

        • Emilie

          I cannot guide you on the Séverine question because I have never tested. But it's true that if you freeze the caramel before you won't be able to freeze them anymore ! But I think it can work if you double the cooking time if you freeze them in the oven..

  • red

    I also tried this recipe (delicious) and I find that the caramel is more melting if you freeze it before in ice cube trays

    • Emilie

      Yes, that's a really good tip. !
      Thank you very much Mumu 😀

  • Theox

    I tried this recipe. Very very good. On the other hand to make the salted butter caramel, I use caramel and cream candies, genre werthers original, that I dilute in a saucepan with liquid cream..
    I find that the caramel stays in place when you put it in the ramekin and that it is more runny after cooking..

  • helene06

    hard hard to start the year trying to be reasonable with such a recipe!

  • sinneponneu

    Thank you for this delicious recipe !!

    Don't change anything. I made some 12 so I doubled the quantities and it was perfect. Caramels, I did this the day before to harden it up a bit.. potted in the fridge. The next day it settles easily with a spoon. Cooking 10 min to 210 degree, perfect time and temperature. The caramel flows deliciously, it's a moment of pure happiness, thank you thank you to all of you for your recipes that make our lives easier

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you, merci, thank you sinneiponneu 😀

  • black weasel

    moi, I'm going on Saturday evening for a meal with friends …;-)

    I carry the fabulous dessert !!!

    I can't wait to fall backwards !!!

    I will give you news very soon…

  • Estelle

    My little brother wants chocolate coulants for lunch, and then I came across your recipe., Emilie ! I feel that we are going to enjoy ourselves at noon for dessert ! 😀
    Good Sunday !

  • bisoulette

    Yummm delicious!
    On the other hand when I unmolded, a large part of the caramel remained in the bottom of my molds ^^

    • Emilie

      Ah mince, maybe we should have put a little more dough underneath, to have !
      Merci Bisoulette 😉

      • bisoulette

        Ahhh oui c’était ça, je viens d’en refaire 😀
        thank you!

  • Helle

    I love thesethis is my seconde time making them.. I had the same problem as a lot of you the first thime, that the caramel would not stay in the middel..
    This time I let the chokolate/butter cool down a bit so it was a bith thigher, and afterwards I used a small plasticbag where I cut a hole in the butten.. It was really easy to fill into the form in the buttom and a bit on the side.. the the caramel was put down in the « hole » in the middel and stayed there.. then of course covered the top afterwords..
    Hope you understand this in english, because I´m very bad at writing in French(Danish but live in france)

    thanks for sharing:)

    • Emilie

      Hey Helle !
      You have to cool the caramel before. Then you can make the cake and the caramel will stay in the middle of it. I hope I answered to your expectations and you can try a third time… 😉

  • Maëlle

    Ton moelleux est tout simplement délicieux ! Tu as juste oubliée d’indiquer si c’est une cuiller à café ou as soupe de caramel ( même si tu le dit dans les commentaires ). Pense-tu que je peut remplacer le caramel par un carré de chocolat ?

    • Emilie

      Je vais corriger ça dans la recette alors, merci Maëlle 🙂
      Pour un moelleux au chocolat classique pas besoin de rajouter un carreau de chocolat, just make the same base and bake only 8 minutes, the heart will be flowing at will !

      • Maëlle

        Alright thank you very much ! 🙂

  • Mylene

    210°C or °F the oven?

    • Emilie

      210°C !! Oui, we do not specify, but all our recipes are in Celsius…

  • Anais

    I made your recipe, I only made the soft ones in mini? But they are not melting enough, I should have cooked them less than 10 minutes you think? I had also bought a butter caramel cream that I put inside but it all came out on top of the softness.. Do you think it can come from the cream that I used???
    Thank you so much

    • Emilie

      Indeed Anais, should have cooked them less, 6-7 minutes i think. For the caramel shot, celui industriel est plus « gras » donc peux être faut-il le réfrigérer avant de le mettre au milieu du moelleux.
      I hope I have given you some answers 😉

  • Multicolaure

    it all makes your mouth water!!!

  • Celine {AetCN}

    What flowing! The pictures speak for themselves!

  • Fatima

    I tried this recipe today and it was a hit. !!! Everyone feasted ! I made with a salted butter caramel bought in Brittany last summer, which I froze in cake molds as one person here advises. My molds are bigger than yours because that made me 4 cakes while the recipe is for 6 so the portion was plentiful !! Cooking time 12 minutes and the softness was perfect : cooked outside and runny inside ! Thank you so much, I will see your other recipes !

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Fatima for this feedback, it's true that these fluffy are a real success !

  • Celine

    I tried this recipe last night. I put 1 caramel candy in the middle of the dough and not a “liquid” caramel! it was really good! I think we can adapt it with different flavors for the heart with the fruit coulis prepared before in ice, For example. for cooking, 10mn are enough with preheated oven. I recommend only one soft cake per person because it is a very filling dessert…
    Thank you for all these recipe ideas. !

  • Py

    Bonjour, I need a little advice : how do you go about preparing them in advance? ?? Genre, fill the mold with the preparation (dough+caramel) and put it in the fridge until it cooks. ? Or cook them in advance and finish cooking by the minute ?? Merci !

    • Emilie

      Hello Py, to prepare in advance, you just have to make the dough and keep it cool and assemble it in the molds at the last moment.

    • Nikou

      I prepare my device that I put directly in the freezer before cooking, when I have guests I don't worry about the dessert because there is always some in my freezer.
      For cooking I take them out of the freezer and put them directly in the oven. 15 mn, mmmmm

  • nicolas

    Hello very nice recipe. I can't wait to make it. Do you preheat the oven??

  • olivier


    I made this fluffy yesterday super good and very easy to make super melting heart.

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Olivier for this feedback ! Delighted 😉

  • Sam Dingens

    What is 'chilled salted butter caramel'?
    I don't know but I want to try this dessert!

    • Emilie

      It's simply salted butter caramel put in the fridge to make it firmer.

      • Sam Dingens

        I don't know that we have salted butter caramel in Belgium. Or maybe our name…

        • Emilie

          Oh if it must exist but it's also very easy at home !

  • BRUNELET Reine-Claude

    I did twice but if the first was successful with 5 extra minutes of cooking, the other was a disaster because I wanted to respect the cooking time. I also think that my molds were not the same and that could have influenced.

    • Emilie

      Oh yes thin ! Personally I use muffin pans so it's much smaller than ramekins.

  • Charlotte

    Fan of salted butter caramel, I will test this recipe on Friday evening with impatience!
    What is the desired consistency of the caramel before baking the small fondants ?

    • Emilie

      It is better to have put the caramel in the fridge before so that it will not leak from the fondants during cooking !

  • YOU

    Hi! I just saw this recipe while looking for how to make a caramel heart fondant. I have a gas oven and yet the result was great, for my first chocolate cake it's a success.

    • Emilie

      Ah cool, I am delighted that this fondant has been so successful !!!

  • link

    I have been looking for this recipe for a long time., and all the more the photo is to make you salivate for hours … One last question before going to the kitchen … Is icing sugar really mandatory? ? ♥

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you Lulu ! Yes, icing sugar is mandatory because it is very fine and does not feel mouthful when eating the softness, the texture is smooth !

  • Camille

    I discovered your blog thanks to hellocoton and how to tell you that I love it, I just tried this recipe and it is so good.

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you Camilla, nice to see new faces (although I love the old ones ) 😉

  • Bené29

    I want to make these super gourmet coulants for tonight but I wonder what size muffin mold you are using. I think it will be of great importance in the cooking time !
    Thank you for your recipes, each one more appetizing than the other..
    Good for you

    • Emilie

      I use a zenker muffin pan which is a standard size I think !

  • Melissa

    I followed the recipe to the letter (I just increased the cooking time by 2-3 minutes) but I replaced the salted butter caramel with a chokotoff. A delight!!

    • Emilie

      Oh cool, I love sweet adaptations, merci 😉

  • Clara

    This recipe is delicious, my dad loves it! I have a little question: can we do it in large format ? Kisses 🙂

    • Emilie

      So unfortunately no, it only works in small format !

  • Ines

    Bonjour! Will the result be the same if I replace the icing sugar with crystal sugar??